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sub-brand logos with standoff 283px IB Diploma Programme IB Career-related Certiificate



Summer sports calendar

sport_cal_clip_220pxDetails of our busy sports fixtures calendar are now available.
The dates are incorporated into the school calendar on this website alongside details of other school events. Look for the gold panels. Please note that all finish times are approximate.

In addition to the planned fixtures, practice and training sessions will be arranged as required.
Details of these can be found on the respective noticeboards in the sport hall.

Go to the calendar

Yu Meng wins Page Turner art competition

Click here to see a larger image and read Yu Meng's commentaryYear nine student, Yu Meng Li has taken first place in the 'Years 7-9 Secondary' category of the Page Turner virtual art book competition.

Organised by the brand new Turner Contemporary gallery in Margate and supported by the University for the Creative Arts in Canterbury (UCA), young people from schools, colleges and universities were asked to create a piece of artwork or write a short piece with the theme of "Nothing in the World but Youth".

Yu Meng's entry; "Listen To Your Heart" (right) was one of over 400 received by the judges who narrowed the field down to a shortlist of 150.

An exhibition and presentation evening was held at UCA on 28 April. Prizes were awarded to each of the category winners and runners up. The shortlisted art will be on display in the Learning Studio at the Turner Contemporary on Saturday 14 May 2011.

"Nothing in the World but Youth" will form the theme of a major exhibition at the Turner Contemporary from September 2011 to January 2012.  

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Coming soon to a computer near you

This article was updated on Tuesday 25 April 2011 17:18

SIMS Learning Gateway logoAt Dane Court, Parents and carers are used to receiving regular feedback about their children's academic progress. Over the next few months we will be offering parents a new on line service. This will include all the information previously delivered as a printed progress report or end of year report.

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Sixth form examination season

A roundup of essential information for our sixth form students at this busy time.

Examination candidates

Year 12 AS

Monday 16 May 2011 Study leave begins
Monday 13 June 2011 All year 12 AS students return to commence A2 level courses
Thursday 18 August 2011 AS level results are issued to students

Students are asked not to book holidays before the end of the summer term as important modules will be set up for A2 courses. In addition we will be arranging a week of work experience in July which will help in the preparation of personal statements for university and job applications.

Year 13 IB

Thursday 28 April 2011 This is the final day of official lessons in school for IB students. The first examination is on 3 May 2011
Tuesday 5 July 2011 IB results are issued to students

Year 13 A level

Friday 27 May 2011 Last school day before half term;
Monday 7 June 2011 A level exams begins
Thursday 18 August 2011 A level results are issued to students

All Year 13 students

Friday 27 May 2011 All year 13 Students are invited to come in fancy dress for photos, a reception and tutor awards. The leavers' books will be issued to all those who have reserved a copy.
Friday 1 July 2011 Leavers' Day; 9.00am-10.30am. All Yr 13 students will return books.
Leaver's Ball at St Augustines: 7.00pm for 7.45pm

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Year 7 Lockdown Gallery
PHOTO 2019 10 30 16 46 14
Kent Mountain Centre 2019
Sports day 2019