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Musicians provide an entertaining welcome

School Day Music WelcomeA dedicated group of musicians has continued the weekly tradition of entertaining students and guests as they arrive at school in the morning.
Started in 2009 by head of music, Mr Henderson, the talented group students and teachers used to play in the entrance hall of the now-demolished West Wing. They can now be heard every Thursday morning in the school's new common space appropriately known as the Heart.

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Rugby success

Thursday 10 March 2011 - Dane Court XV vs a Thanet Wanderers XV

Successfully taking on Thanet WanderersYear ten students Courtney, Stuart, Alex and Grant recently became Kent Champions as members of Thanet Wanderers, but this time they were heading up the Dane Court XV in a end of season tussle down at St Peters. The first half ebbed and flowed with both teams playing flowing rugby. Wanderers were strong in the scrum, with Dane Court dominating in the loose. With the final play of the half, Dane Court scored in the corner with Mason Webb flying in under pressure.

With fluid taken on, Dane Court came out in the second half and quickly stepped up through the gears. Votta, Silsbury and Whiteman, turned over any Wanderers ball and got Dane Court straight back on the attack.

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Maths success!

UKMT maths challenge team membersAdam Jones, aged 16, came top of his class at Dane Court Grammar School in the recent UKMT Mathematics Intermediate Challenge. He receives a gold certificate along with Zoe Woodward-Lebihan (year eleven) and Sam Kenneford (year ten). Seven year eleven students received silver certificates along with one year ten student;  a further nine students  received bronze.

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Red noses all round


Rojalba is 16 years old and lives in Northern Uganda.
Even though she has grown up during a war, it is thanks to Red Nose Day that she now goes to school and has a chance of a better future.
Red Nose Day 2011Young People with Mental Health problems in the UK, sexually exploited and trafficked young people and many younger carers have been helped thanks to Red Nose Day.

Consequently, Dane Court Grammar School will definitely be doing 'something funny to raise money' on 18 March. If parents have any wacky and original ideas for this great event please call the school on 01843 864941 and let Miss Riley know.

Year 7 Lockdown Gallery
Karl Midlane Kmc Gorge Oct 2019 8
Kent Mountain Centre 2019
Sports day 2019