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Family support

Kent money advice hub

Money Advice HubThe Kent Money Advice Hub is a free, confidential, independent, and impartial money advice service delivered by a network of Citizens Advice organisations in Kent.
These organisations are run by independent charities and are part of the Citizens Advice network across England and Wales.

Contact them via the Kent Money Advice Hub website, phone and video call or visit one of their video kiosks across Kent.

FREE activities for young people aged 13-17 over half term

CMK 420pxFREE wellbeing activities that are taking place over February half term for young people aged 13-17 years in Thanet.

More information about the programme can be found at www.cmk-cic.org/cmk-connect-programme or via our Instagram page at @cmkcommunity

What is the CMK Connect Programme?

The CMK Connect Programme is an opportunity for you to get active, take time for self care, build new connections, learn new skills, develop positive habits to build confidence and improve your overall wellbeing.

Delivered in partnership with organisations across Thanet, the programme offers young people aged 13-17 years the opportunity to take part in various FREE or low cost activities linked to your interests or to try something new, and collect points as you go using your CMK Connect Card.

These points can then be exchanged for rewards through CMK, a community interest company dedicated to supporting people to improve their wellbeing and live happier, healthier lives.

Online relationship support for parents

Support flier thumb11Parents in this area can now access three online courses from the relationship experts at OnePlusOne. Learn to cope with stress and communicate better, wherever you are in your parenting journey.

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Kent Adult Educations - free parenting courses

KAEFamilyLearningKent Adult Education are offering a range of free Parenting courses are designed for parents and carers of children to help tackle everyday family issues and understand your child. Their online courses are taught by specialist tutors in real time, providing the opportunity for discussion with other parents and carers. The Parenting courses cover topics such as Exploring Behaviour Strategies and Managing Children’s Behaviour.

Click here to view available courses.

Kent Adult Education is part of Kent County Council's Community Learning and Skills.

Training for families of children with SEND

boar drop shadow alpha trans 100pxThe Education People have been funded by Kent County Council to deliver training to parents and carers of children with SEND from across Kent. Their aims for the training are to:

  • build parental confidence in what is on offer to support children and young people with a SEND in mainstream schools
  • answer questions that you may have about the offer
  • develop your knowledge of how the Mainstream Core Standards are being used in schools to support your children

For more details, please see the poster below.

How Mainstream Schools Support Children with SEN Training for Families December 2023 800px

Read more: Training for families of children with SEND

Year 7 Lockdown Gallery
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Kent Mountain Centre 2019
Sports day 2019