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Yu Meng wins Page Turner art competition

Click here to see a larger image and read Yu Meng's commentaryYear nine student, Yu Meng Li has taken first place in the 'Years 7-9 Secondary' category of the Page Turner virtual art book competition.

Organised by the brand new Turner Contemporary gallery in Margate and supported by the University for the Creative Arts in Canterbury (UCA), young people from schools, colleges and universities were asked to create a piece of artwork or write a short piece with the theme of "Nothing in the World but Youth".

Yu Meng's entry; "Listen To Your Heart" (right) was one of over 400 received by the judges who narrowed the field down to a shortlist of 150.

An exhibition and presentation evening was held at UCA on 28 April. Prizes were awarded to each of the category winners and runners up. The shortlisted art will be on display in the Learning Studio at the Turner Contemporary on Saturday 14 May 2011.

"Nothing in the World but Youth" will form the theme of a major exhibition at the Turner Contemporary from September 2011 to January 2012.  

Here is Yu Meng's commentary on her art:
"I started out with a vision of a teenage girl with jet black hair and pale ivory skin in red clothes, against a green forest. Thought they'd make quite good contrast, because teenagers are different from any other generations (me being one myself...). Then I added in the headphones, because you ask any young person today, who hasn't got an iPod or a MP3? I tried to put across an emotion that's almost shy and yet just a hint defiant through the facial expression, because that's how we really are. Modest but assertive. I also linked the wires of the headphones to a psychedelic heart, representing the colours of our personalities and of course, our dreams. And dreams are like seeds, growing and growing in the greenhouse that is our heart, until one day, they're ready to go into the open world, when they become a reality. Different people have different dreams, big ones, small ones, green ones, red ones, pretty ones, heroic ones... But whatever you have, don't EVER give it up. Keep chasing the dream, keep the hope alive, and one day, you will get to the end of the rainbow... Listen to your heart. Sorry, said too much..."
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