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Year 9 French Exchange

Etaples2011_smallOn the 11 June 2011, 20 Year 9 students travelled to Etaples-sur-mer near the town of Le Touquet.  They spent a week in host families from the "Collège Jean-Jaurès" and attended lessons with their exchange partners.   In addition they went on excursions to a Fishing museum, the towns of Montreuil, where they visited the chateau, and Amiens where they visited the cathedral.  A day in the "Baie de la Somme" proved interesting, in spite of the rain, and the furnishings and china in the chateau d'Eu which had belonged to the last King of France were amazing.

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Golf competition

(l to r) Luke Breach, Ben Hornsey, George Walton, Harry WaltonOn Thursday 7 July eight pupils from years eight, nine and ten travelled to Boughton Golf Club near Canterbury to compete in the East Kent School Games Stableford Golf Competition. Over 9 holes, in groups of four our pupils took part with their handicaps effecting how many point they took from each hole. Our competitors took part with skill and enthusiasm, many of them experiencing competitive school golf for the first time on a full sized course.

Our teams worked hard to compete and all deserve credit for their efforts. The team of Harry Douglas (year ten), Mason Webb (year ten), Bryn Lewellyn (year ten) and Henry Tucker year (year seven) finished eight whilst the team of Luke Breach (year seven), Ben Hornsey (year eight), George Walton (year nine) and Harry Walton (year nine) deserve great credit for finishing second and taking the runners up medals.

Well done to all involved in a good competition.

Dane Court students appear in the Guardian

guardian20logoIn July 2010 Janet Murray from the Guardian interviewed year 6 students from Kent who had faced the 11-plus and were "on the brink of change". The five students from St. Saviours school in Westgate have now been at either Dane Court or King Ethelbert for a year. To follow their progress through a series of three articles please see the links below.

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'XTREME Media' at the University of Kent

mediaMedia students get a taster for film animation

More than twenty five sixth formers studying A' level Media Studies and the Film I.B undertook a one day intensive workshop in 3D animation and Special Effects. The taster sessions were part of 'Xtreme Media' run by the School of Engineering and Digitals Arts at the University of Kent in Canterbury.

The students were split into two groups. The Special Effects students were filmed on a green screen so that they could then composite their footage into still images of a 3D world using industry standard 'After Effects' software. They were then taught how to add shadows, smoke and other effects to create their own film footage. The other workshop was a 3DS Max workshop where the sixth formers had an opportunity to see how 3D is used in CGI (computer generated imagery) movies. They also produced a short walk cycle animation using a CGI model as featured in the blockbuster, The Matrix.

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Year 7 Lockdown Gallery
Kent Mountain Centre 2019
Sports day 2019