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Courtier May 2011

Courtier May 2011Up-to-date news and the latest message from Mr Pullen.


Courtier November 2011

artist_200pxUp-to-date news and the latest message from Mr Pullen.

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Our super eights

Dane Court teams wipe the board at Super Eight athletics event

Thursday 26 May 2011, Marlowe Academy
This was a Year 7 only event. Pupils had to compete in two of the following eight events: Shot, Javelin, Long Jump, High Jump, Hurdles, 100m, 200m, 800m and four of the team took part in a relay. The weather was very bad! Rain and hail, windy and cold but the students persevered nonetheless showing commitment and spirit throughout. For many of them it was their first experience of an athletics tournament in this format and they all worked hard to achieve a very pleasing set of results.

Dane Court's super eight teams

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Building a school for the future

March 2009In 2008 work started on a comprehensive rebuilding and refurbishment of Dane Court Grammar School. The Building Schools for the Future (BSF) scheme provided tens of millions of pounds to carry out structural and technological changes.
Three years later, and not far off the planned completion date, the finishing touches were applied during summer half term of 2011. There follows a story in pictures starting with a few memories of our old buildings.

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Year 7 Lockdown Gallery
PHOTO 2019 10 30 16 45 31
Kent Mountain Centre 2019
Sports day 2019