DCGS Boars Head transbg 252x66px png8
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sub-brand logos with standoff 283px IB Diploma Programme IB Career-related Certiificate

Stay connected

facebooktwitter swirl3 100pxWe offer access to several sources with the aim of keeping you up to date with the goings-on at Dane Court.
Finding the information you want can be time consuming and frustrating and we know from experience that it is impossible for one source to serve the needs of everyone.

Check here to see what we offer and choose the most convenient ways to get the information you need.

boars head 54x64pxThe official Dane Court Gammar School website
This is the website you are viewing now.
It is the core of all the information we provide on-line. We use it to give details on a wide range of subjects from news reports about recent achievements through to an archive of documents useful to current and future students and parents.

twitter bird 78x64pxDane Court Twitter feed @Dane_Court_GS
We use Twitter to publish news, information and reminders on a regular basis.
The advantage for you is easy access to our feed via free websites and "Apps" on your home computer, laptop, tablet or mobile 'phone. The feed is also displayed in the right column of some pages on this website.
Typically, the posts are relevant to large groups such as:

  • all parents
  • whole year group
  • those studying a particular subject/qualification
  • students participating in a specific school trip

Twitter will often be the first place we publish up-to-date news, information and reminders so it is worth following @Dane_Court_GS.
We also post links to new articles on our main school website.

You must be at least 13 years old to open your own Twitter account.

Please note: Replies, Mentions and Direct Messages to our Twitter account will not receive a response.
If you want to send us a message, please click the Contact us button at the top of this page.

facebook f 64x64pxThe official Dane Court Grammar School Facebook page
Our Facebook page alerts our many followers when we publish new articles and reports on the main school website. Most of the posts refer to recent school events and activities.

Please note: We rarely copy our Twitter feed posts to our Facebook page.
So, to get the full picture, be sure to also follow our Twitter account.

You must be at least 13 years old to open your own Facebook account.

Please note: Comments on posts on our Facebook Page will not receive a response.
If you want to send us a message, please click the Contact us button at the top of this page.

icon email promo 61pxEmail
We occasionally use text messages to inform and remind parents about significant forthcoming events and the occasional change to our plans. However, we frequently send emails to parents. This gives us greater flexibility in the detail we provide and allows us to adopt a format which is easier to read.
Please help us develop the use of email by ensuring we have your current email address. More details

Other developments
To further improve regular communication with students we will be using our in-school plasma display screens to show important messages and alerts.

Year 7 Lockdown Gallery
IMG 1563
Kent Mountain Centre 2019
Sports day 2019