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Coming soon to a computer near you

This article was updated on Tuesday 25 April 2011 17:18

SIMS Learning Gateway logoAt Dane Court, Parents and carers are used to receiving regular feedback about their children's academic progress. Over the next few months we will be offering parents a new on line service. This will include all the information previously delivered as a printed progress report or end of year report.

As a parent you will be issued with your own log on details allowing you private access to our parent portal, called SIMS Learning Gateway (SLG), where you will find digital versions of reports about your child or children.

These will remain available for your reference. Later we we hope to provide additional features including attendance information which is live throughout the school day and from September 2011, access to your child's behaviour and achievement records.

One of the great advantages of this service is its ability to deliver live information. For example, from September 2011 students will register their attendance on arrival at school each day and parents can check if and when their child has arrived at school.

The school will write to you in the next few terms with more information. In the meantime you can prepare for using the parent portal by ensuriing you have a working personal email address.
If you do not have your own email address and would like help setting one up, please contact the school office.

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