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Sixth form examination season

A roundup of essential information for our sixth form students at this busy time.

Examination candidates

Year 12 AS

Monday 16 May 2011 Study leave begins
Monday 13 June 2011 All year 12 AS students return to commence A2 level courses
Thursday 18 August 2011 AS level results are issued to students

Students are asked not to book holidays before the end of the summer term as important modules will be set up for A2 courses. In addition we will be arranging a week of work experience in July which will help in the preparation of personal statements for university and job applications.

Year 13 IB

Thursday 28 April 2011 This is the final day of official lessons in school for IB students. The first examination is on 3 May 2011
Tuesday 5 July 2011 IB results are issued to students

Year 13 A level

Friday 27 May 2011 Last school day before half term;
Monday 7 June 2011 A level exams begins
Thursday 18 August 2011 A level results are issued to students

All Year 13 students

Friday 27 May 2011 All year 13 Students are invited to come in fancy dress for photos, a reception and tutor awards. The leavers' books will be issued to all those who have reserved a copy.
Friday 1 July 2011 Leavers' Day; 9.00am-10.30am. All Yr 13 students will return books.
Leaver's Ball at St Augustines: 7.00pm for 7.45pm

The remaining weeks in school are vital in the run up to the examinations and all lessons will be taking place until the official start of study leave. Students should attend all classes and avoid the temptation to revise at home. This is a challenging period and students are under a lot of pressure to meet deadlines as well as revise: if there are any issues please do not hesitate to contact the sixth form office for advice.

Yr 13 IB results are released before A level results and university places can be confirmed at that time if the entry requirements have been met. However, if this is not the case then places will be considered on A level results day once these places have been allocated and universities are in a position to consider their student numbers. This year it is highly likely that in the light of the increased number of application that there will be little room for manoeuvre on the entry requirements. I will as usual be in school on results day to support students should they need it. I should like to wish all students the very best of luck and look forward to greeting them on results day, with what I hope will be good news of their success.

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