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Sports_day_201_250pxOur whole-school sports day this year took place over 10, 11 and 12 July.

As ever, it was a triumph of efficient organisation and cooperation - despite it being the biggest single competition on the inter-house calendar.
Mr Wallace helped to organise the events. He said

"It was an incredibly close competition and all of the students can be proud of their efforts today. I was delighted to hear lots of reports of camaraderie among the houses and sporting actions throughout the day, I was also delighted to see the way the students support each other and celebrate both amazing success and outstanding effort with the same energy and enthusiasm, we can be very proud of them."
"I would also like to thank all the staff for enabling the three days to happen so successfully. Without their willing participation and support we could not enable sports day to happen on the scale that it does so thank you very much."

The results of all events (track, field, pentathlon and ball games) are summarised below:

Year Points and Position

7 88- 5th 86- 6th 100 - 3rd 119 - 1st 104 - 2nd 93 - 4th
8 74 - 6th 115 - 3rd 111 - 4th 145 - 1st 78 - 5th 132 - 2nd
9 97 - 5th 92 - 6th 109 - 3rd 104 - 4th 118 - 2nd 160 - 1st
10 104 - 3rd 147 - 1st 122 - 6th 93 - 5th 144 - 2nd 100 - 4th
Sixth Form 12 - 3rd 6 - 5th 5 - 6th 9 - 4th 18- 1st 16 - 2nd
Total 363 440 442 461 444 485
Position 6th 5th 4th 2nd 3rd 1st

pdf Sports Report Summer 2019 (56 KB)

View the embedded image gallery online at:

Year 7 Lockdown Gallery
Kent Mountain Centre 2019
Sports day 2019

House Points

Barcelona Barcelona 38
Delphi Delphi 21
Helsinki Helsinki 20
Neuchâtel Neuchatel 29
Sorrento Sorrento 26
Tallinn Tallin 18