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Good News for Dean

kent uniAn ex student from Dane Court, who is currently completing his BA in Journalism and the News Industry at Kent University, has suceeded in gaining a reporting job with the Kent on Sunday before he has graduated. Our congratulations go to Dean on his achievement.

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Family Feast ‘n’ Fun

hogroast 100pxDane Court Parents' Association are holding a social event to which all parents, students, staff and friends are invited.

Family Feast 'n' Fun will take place from 2:00pm to 6:00pm on Saturday 30 June 2012.
Tickets available from the school office or on the door on Saturday.
Come along and enjoy a fresh Hog Roast meal with a glass of wine, lager, real ale or soft drink and dessert.

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Farewell to year 13

P1060110The Class of 2012 have finally moved on to join the legions of Former Dane Courtiers and what a delight you have been to us all and how you have grown up although most of you have kept hold of your inner child and if you look at these photographs you will know exactly what we mean!

But what does this day mean to you all?

As you look back what will you remember as you think of your youth spent here?

We hope you will remember...

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Year 8 rugby final

u13 rugby final 2012 012Year 8 Rugby - Kent Developing Schools Final - Dane Court 10 - 14 Archbishops

Dane Court Grammar School's Year 8 Rugby Team fell agonisingly short in their quest to emulate their Year 11 counterparts in winning their county rugby final.

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Year 7 Lockdown Gallery
Karl Midlane Kmc Gorge Oct 2019 31
Kent Mountain Centre 2019
Sports day 2019