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Year 8 rugby final

u13 rugby final 2012 012Year 8 Rugby - Kent Developing Schools Final - Dane Court 10 - 14 Archbishops

Dane Court Grammar School's Year 8 Rugby Team fell agonisingly short in their quest to emulate their Year 11 counterparts in winning their county rugby final.

At a drizzly, windy Canterbury RFC they lost 10-14 to Archbishops school who arrived with a huge set of players and burgeoning reputation. Dane Court's semi final win over the Howard school had been sealed in extra time and this final was as close again.

A nervy start saw Court concede early when the greasy ball was knocked on close to their own line. From the resulting scrum Archbishops' big athletic Number 8 picked up from the base and powered over near the posts for a try which was converted. This was ominous as he was obviously going to be a threat all game and the Court boys had to find a way to nullify his obvious physical advantage. Some more anxious moments followed but gradually Dane Court's spirits lifted as they began to gain more possession and run with purpose. Gaining parity up front with a committed performance from the pack was key and led to some fine running from Joe Harmes, James Robinson and Charlie Knight in particular.

Gradually we worked our way into the opposition twenty two and from a series of drives Amod Shrestha was eventually shoved over the line to touch down wide out. The difficult conversion failed but confidence had risen. Court finished the half on the attack but unfortunately couldn't add to their score despite asking many questions of the Archbishop defence. Facing a strengthening wind in the second half Court kept the ball close and ran hard with good support. Although up against a physically bigger scrum, we more than held our own and Tim Norman, Henry Walton and Shrestha in the front row were technically superior and showed greater determination also. Indeed it was the increasing dominance up front that brought our second try and the lead. Bennet Kandathy began to get his hands on the ball in open space and his powerful running was always well supported. From one such run he set up a position in the twenty two from which Shrestha was driven over again. Crucially the conversion was missed but at 10-7 up Dane Court sniffed victory.

The end to end play continued with Court tackling bravely when the Archbishop mammoths ran at them and they countered regularly with sorties of their own. With ten minutes remaining the Canterbury school side produced a superb backs move that finished with a dive over the line in the corner for a try. The kick was difficult but beautifully struck and as it appeared to be dying the ball was caught on the wind for a magnificent conversion and significantly the extra two points. All out attack followed as Dane Court's Light Brigade charged forwards summoning up every last ounce of energy. Although the game was both physically and mentally draining with the see-saw nature of each team's dominance neither was about to give up. George Dyerson tackled bravely again to set up a turnover on half way and Knight, Kandathy and Norman in turn took the ball deep into opposition territory. A series of scrums followed with Dane Court testing the mettle of every one of Archbishops' defenders but they held firm. Then a penalty was given ten yards in front of the posts, had one of Dane Court's conversions been successful or Archbishops' wind assisted second not been so, a kick for three points would now see us take the lead with a minute to go. However, the four point gap was against us and in a desperate rush to score the try the slippery ball eluded Robinson's grasp as he went for the line. The final whistle went, the game was over and a magnificent advert for schoolboy rugby and young people in general was concluded. So near and yet so far, but a great experience in the boys' rugby education.

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