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Santander 2012

CIMG1188 400px6:30am on a Sunday morning is an early start but this was the departure time for the intrepid group of Spanish speaking students from years 10, 12 and 13 as they made their way to Santander for a taste of the traditional side of Spain.  Their aim was to develop their language skills and understanding of the culture and people of Spain and the chosen location could not have been better for this.

CIMG1192Departing from Stansted there was much coffee required for the long day ahead but the group were in good spirits in anticipation of the trip. Arriving at Asturias airport saw the group pass through a stern customs regime and their first opportunity to converse in Spanish, the fact that they all made it into the country would suggest this was negotiated with consummate ease!

A pleasant coach journey gave an indication of the climate and landscape we would become accustomed to, not your typical idea of Spain, rolling hills, lush countryside and a decidedly grey sky would be the backdrop for the week. Arriving in Santillana del Mar the group were impressed by the medieval looking town and historical feel of our base for the next few days. The accommodation, hosted by the well natured and amiable Senor Sanchez was rustic and comfortable and would provide the necessary respite after a hard day exploring in Santander.

CIMG1184The first day saw the group have a three hour Spanish lesson in the morning and an opportunity to develop their skills with the help of native speaking teachers. Whilst challenging for many, the work was enjoyable and worthwhile. The students were keen to practise their skills. The afternoon saw the group arrive at the truly remarkable Carbárceno safari park. A guided tour in Spanish was both interesting and informative and the fascinating subject of which languages animals understand causing much debate amongst the group! The afternoon was capped with the astonishing Birds of Prey display where low flying hawks and vultures had to be dodged for the group to make it safely back to the bus and home for an evening of good food and relaxation.

Tuesday provided the opportunity for some retail therapy in the morning at the Corte Inglés department store. The afternoon was given over for the students to explore Santander and practise speaking to the local people as they completed the Santander Trail through the historic port town. The exciting prospect of prizes for the best trail booklets piqued the students' competitive instincts as they searched the city under damp grey skies but with explorers' spirit. A pleasant walk along the coast found the group in the historical area of Sardinero with the highlight surely being an opportunity to see some Penguins although the large ice creams certainly didn't go down badly either! A final stop off at Racing Club Santander CF Football stadium and the lighthouse ensured that all would sleep well that night after an action packed day.

CIMG1188Wednesday provided the stage for the last of the group's Spanish lessons and all emerged with smiles, certificates and praise from their teachers to reflect the effort they had made. The final excursion of the trip took us to the Alta Mira caves for a survival workshop and a tour of some of the oldest caves in Europe, so old in fact that we travelled around a recreation of the site as too much tourism is causing irreparable damage to the actual historical site. A master class on how to make fire, again completely in Spanish, provided much entertainment for the group as well as an opportunity to make fire and laugh at teachers who struggled to conjure flames from thin air! All that was left was a final few hours for gift buying in the historic town of Santillana del Mar before our final meal with our ever amiable hosts. The prize giving saw a number of well worthy students take home mementoes for their efforts in the Santander trail and indeed for those whose attitude and effort impressed the staff throughout the week, you know who you are, well done!!

An exciting, rewarding, interesting and enjoyable week was brought to a close as the intrepid explorers returned home to loved ones and their own beds with memories of a visit to traditional Spain and an improved understanding of the culture and language of this wonderful country!

All that's left to say is...¡¡¡Hola chicos!!!! Together, we are Santander!!

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