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Sport Relief 2012: Dane Court runs a mile

sport_relief_mile013_150pxDuring lesson time on Friday 23 March all students in Years 7, 8 and 9 took part in the 'Sport Relief Mile'. Year 12 and 13 students who had study periods, as well as staff who were available, also joined in.
The idea was for the school community to join the millions of people running a mile between the 23 and 25 March to raise money for the numerous charities supported by Sport Relief.

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National schools biathlon champions

We are most grateful to Mr Wilmshurst for his support with this event and for providing this article:

IMG-20120325-00111_150pxSix pupils from Dane Court competed in the National Schools Biathlon Championship held at Crystal Palace National Sports Centre on Sunday 25 March.
The Modern Biathlon consists of a non-continuous swim then run (i.e. there is a break between the swim and the run). The distances in both events depend on the school year group of the competitor. More importantly the pupils did fantastically well and are a great credit to themselves and Dane Court.

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Medieval Banquet 2012

m_banquet_12_150pxThe annual extravaganza we call the Medieval Banquet has taken place in the very heart of the school.
Each spring our year seven pupils get the chance to sample living in the middle ages. Organised by the food technology department, the majority of students are treated to a feast of pottage and bread with a lucky few eating more richly at the high table. An army of staff and older students provided everyone with a wide variety of entertainment from singing to recitals and short plays to juggling and magic.
The pupils also had the opportunity to tour various stalls demonstrating skills such as calligraphy, weaving, wood turning, sorcery and even more magic.

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Physics Olympiad gold medal for Will

gold_winner_180pxWilliam Grover was awarded a Gold Medal and book prize for his outstanding achievement in the recent round of 2012 British Physics Olympiad.  William was placed in the top 100 in the country as a result of his response to the test. This compliments his other successes in the UK Mathematics Trust Challenge.

The British Physics Olympiad has run for 25 years and is entered annually by over 1,600 talented young physicists. The examination-based competition has a dual purpose: to challenge and reward the best physicists in British schools and to select the UK Physics Team for competition at international level.

Year 7 Lockdown Gallery
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Kent Mountain Centre 2019
Sports day 2019