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Farewell to year 13

P1060110The Class of 2012 have finally moved on to join the legions of Former Dane Courtiers and what a delight you have been to us all and how you have grown up although most of you have kept hold of your inner child and if you look at these photographs you will know exactly what we mean!

But what does this day mean to you all?

As you look back what will you remember as you think of your youth spent here?

We hope you will remember...

...how much you worked ...yes there was some evidence of this unusual activity in the last few weeks, although it has been good to see that you have responded to government advice about keeping stress levels under control. We were particularly concerned when some of you were spotted with books but then mightily relieved to note that it was nothing to do with examinations!

We hope you will remember...

...how much you ATE. We have informed local stores of the potential collapse of their turnover, now you are embarking on study leave! We tried so hard to wean you from junk food but to no avail as the HEALTHY option was no rival to the chips, pizzas, burgers and sweets which you scoffed by the truck load.

But most of all we hope you will remember...

....how much you all laughed...we would hear you and wondered what exactly was so funny about the homework you were meant to be doing? Then realised that was not the source of the amusement.

Yes, today is for laughter as we remember all the wonderful moments that we have enjoyed, together.

We say to you, rejoice in your youth and beauty, defend your rights and remember always that the talents that you enjoy were dearly won and must never be squandered. You arrived in the autumn two years ago and will leave in the summer, which somehow seems totally appropriate as you embark on the best and sunniest years of your lives.

May you have warm words on a cool evening, a full moon on a dark night, and a smooth road all the way to your door.

Annie Hale and Sarah Snaydon



Year 7 Lockdown Gallery
IMG 1308
Kent Mountain Centre 2019
Sports day 2019