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Clean sweep at Thanet athletics championships

thanet ath champs12.jpg 300pxOn Wednesday 4 July, under the baking sun Dane Court competed at the Thanet Athletics Championships, with all 4 teams becoming team champions (under 13s and under 15s boys and girls).

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A fine feast and great fun

hog roast 4 2012 004On Saturday 30 June the Parents' Association organised our inaugural hog roast. It was a excellent event that was great fun and well attended. Students, parents, staff and their families were all able to meet together and enjoy music, good food and fun activities. I would like to thank the parents of the Parents Association who worked so hard to make sure the afternoon was such a success.


Table tennis teams take gold

ttennis jun12 300pxRepresenting Thanet at the Kent Schools Games Table Tennis Finals at the University of Kent, Dane Court came away with a double gold medal success as both the Under 15 Boys and Girls teams were crowned County champions.

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Thanet MPs to host jobs fair

parliament coat of arms 150pxOn Tuesday 26 June 2012, Thanet's two MPs, Laura Sandys and Sir Roger Gale will host the area's first MPs' Jobs and Apprenticeships Fair at the Winter Gardens in Margate. The Minister of State for Employment, The Rt Hon Chris Grayling MP will be officially opening the event which will run from 10:00am-3:00pm.

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Year 7 Lockdown Gallery
Karl Midlane KMC Oct 2019 4
Kent Mountain Centre 2019
Sports day 2019