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Family Feast ‘n’ Fun

hogroast 100pxDane Court Parents' Association are holding a social event to which all parents, students, staff and friends are invited.

Family Feast 'n' Fun will take place from 2:00pm to 6:00pm on Saturday 30 June 2012.
Tickets available from the school office or on the door on Saturday.
Come along and enjoy a fresh Hog Roast meal with a glass of wine, lager, real ale or soft drink and dessert.

Entertainment will be provided in the form of live music performed by our very own Ben Hoenes and The Key Trio.

Everyone will also get the opportunity to champion their own gnome in our exciting Gnome Racing events (£1 entry per race).

Tickets: Adults £10.00, children £5, under fives free. All proceeds help to fund student activities at the school.

Year 7 Lockdown Gallery
PHOTO 2019 10 30 16 45 58 1
Kent Mountain Centre 2019
Sports day 2019