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Thanet MPs to host jobs fair

parliament coat of arms 150pxOn Tuesday 26 June 2012, Thanet's two MPs, Laura Sandys and Sir Roger Gale will host the area's first MPs' Jobs and Apprenticeships Fair at the Winter Gardens in Margate. The Minister of State for Employment, The Rt Hon Chris Grayling MP will be officially opening the event which will run from 10:00am-3:00pm.

Laura said "Hundreds of jobs and apprenticeships in a wide variety of sectors will be on offer on the day. This is a fantastic opportunity for jobseekers to meet with lots of local employers all under one roof. We already have over 50 exhibitors confirmed ranging from small independent businesses right through to some of the biggest household names. It's going to be a one-stop shop with free workshops on offer providing useful tips on CV writing and interview skills. We'll also have start-up and apprentice advice for anyone thinking of pursuing a different route.

"It is not an easy time for jobseekers and I wanted to organise a jobs and apprenticeships fair to help get involved with the practicalities of bringing real job opportunities of all shapes and sizes to those looking for work at the moment. I am keen to do everything I can to help our local jobseekers at the same time as helping our local businesses recruit fresh talent."

And Roger adds: "We know that there are many people, of all ages, in Thanet who want to work or who want training or who want to change jobs. There are also, contrary to popular belief, many opportunities available as well and this fair is designed to bring the two together and to help to match would-be employers with would-be employees. While there are a number of agencies engaged in this process already experience shows that events of this kind really can make a difference and bring people together in a very positive way in a welcoming environment. So, if you are an employer looking for new staff or if you are a jobseeker looking for a break, come and join us".

The event which has been organised by Laura and Sir Roger has been kindly sponsored by Pfizer and Thanet Leisureforce. All stands have been made available free of charge to help support local businesses and organisations- the only condition being that they must have vacancies on offer.

If you would like further information, please contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit: http://www.telllaura.org.uk/jobs-and-apprenticeships-fair

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