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Dane Court students bound for Cambridge

oxbridge students13 300pxFour of Dane Court's students have been offered a place to study at Cambridge in the autumn. As a World Class university the entry procedure is a demanding one and students are required to meet not only the highest of academic standards but then they are rigorously interviewed in their chosen subject by college academics. 'Sincerest congratulations' to these successful applicants has come from Executive head teacher Paul Luxmoore, who said: 'These brilliant students have won offers against increasingly strong competition both nationally and internationally across a broad spectrum of subjects. To have almost half of the applicants winning places at Cambridge is a wonderful reward not only for the talent and hard work of our students but it is also an endorsement of the expertise of our highly committed staff. This is continued evidence of the culture of rising aspirations in our school community and also in Thanet'.

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Business of Enterprise winners' prize trip

business of enterprise 2012Luke Burston, 11H reports on his experiences in the annual Business of Enterprise project:
Business of Enterprise is an opportunity for Year 10 students all around Kent, to build teamwork, innovation and management skills. On the day that Business of Enterprise starts, students of Dane Court Grammar School come into the school in smart business clothes and, after getting into groups of around five or six, get to spend the day learning different business management techniques and strategies. For the following months, the groups create, expand and finalise a brand new business with a brand new idea.

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Flash Mob lunchtime

flashmob 200pxAn ordinary school lunchtime transformed into something spectacularly memorable. Miss McWilliam reports:
The success of Friday's Flash Mob undoubtedly belongs to the Year 12 students involved. This is less the story of the day itself; you can see the finished product in the link below. This is the story of how truly special our school and our students are.
Officially, plans to create the Flash Mob started in September, but this is something that Etta, Abbie, Beth and many others have been discussing for years.

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Sixth form students lay on Christmas party

P1020261 150pxOur Health and Social Care students studying for the IBCC qualification entertained residents at Yoakley House in Margate last Wednesday.

The students are developing specific skills in communicating with people who use services as part of their course. Planning and delivering a Christmas party for the residents enabled the students to work closely together as a team.

The residents enjoyed playing games which reminded them of their childhood years.

One lady, when playing pass the parcel said "This is a lovely game". Quiz questions designed by George Giles had a Christmas theme and Oliver Duffy selected songs from past decades for the residents to identify. Chloe Bond and other members of the group made a pass the parcel, with treats and forfeits. Megan Abbott designed a 'pin the accessories' on Santa game for the residents. The whole group cooked a range of tasty tea time cakes and savouries and served them to the guests.

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Year 7 Lockdown Gallery
Kent Mountain Centre 2019
Sports day 2019