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Chamber of Commerce Christmas extravaganza

The happy band of sign makersA lovely group of 6th formers helped the community and contributed towards their IB CAS hours by working for the Broadstairs Chamber of Commerce in the Broadstairs Christmas Bonanza on the 3rd Dec 2010.

In preparation to the weekend they produced fantastic signs and displays for the organisations involved to use and gave up many lunch times and stayed after school to make sure that they were completed for the weekend.

They faced freezing rain and wind throughout the weekend whilst they manned the Ice Rink that had been set up in Pierremont and helped the other organisations who were singing and performing around town in a bid to encourage people to use their local high street.

The weekend was deemed a huge success with Elvis returning to sing a few seasonal carols on stage after a procession through the town.

I was congratulated afterwards by the organisers of the cheerfulness, helpfulness and responsibility that the students had shown throughout the weekend, maintaining that they were "an absolute pleasure to work with".

Sixth formers involved included:
Taylor Day, Sarah Bartlam, Ben Holness, Jo Rollinson, Alex Halls-Daniels, Josh Evans, Emily Jones, Will Grover, Sam Pulman, Shaun Latham, Matt Drake

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