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Year 9 French Exchange

Etaples2011_smallOn the 11 June 2011, 20 Year 9 students travelled to Etaples-sur-mer near the town of Le Touquet.  They spent a week in host families from the "Collège Jean-Jaurès" and attended lessons with their exchange partners.   In addition they went on excursions to a Fishing museum, the towns of Montreuil, where they visited the chateau, and Amiens where they visited the cathedral.  A day in the "Baie de la Somme" proved interesting, in spite of the rain, and the furnishings and china in the chateau d'Eu which had belonged to the last King of France were amazing.

Here are some of the comments from our students:

  • The best part was spending time with the family and getting to know them, because it was a lot of fun trying to understand one another!
  • The town was so beautiful I want to go again, also I was able to learn about their culture and lifestyle.
  • My favourite part was going to the French school and spending time with my exchange partner.


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