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'XTREME Media' at the University of Kent

mediaMedia students get a taster for film animation

More than twenty five sixth formers studying A' level Media Studies and the Film I.B undertook a one day intensive workshop in 3D animation and Special Effects. The taster sessions were part of 'Xtreme Media' run by the School of Engineering and Digitals Arts at the University of Kent in Canterbury.

The students were split into two groups. The Special Effects students were filmed on a green screen so that they could then composite their footage into still images of a 3D world using industry standard 'After Effects' software. They were then taught how to add shadows, smoke and other effects to create their own film footage. The other workshop was a 3DS Max workshop where the sixth formers had an opportunity to see how 3D is used in CGI (computer generated imagery) movies. They also produced a short walk cycle animation using a CGI model as featured in the blockbuster, The Matrix.

Year 12 student Matthew Roberts was delighted with the workshop. "I've really enjoyed it. It's really opened my mind as to what is available in the world of animation. After today, I'm definitely clearer about where I wish to work in the media".

The students were supported and led by the Media and Film team, run by Miss Austin with Miss McWilliam, Miss Junaideen and Miss Milton.

Year 7 Lockdown Gallery
IMG 6072
Kent Mountain Centre 2019
Sports day 2019