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A roaring success as Joseph and Angel speak at the Natural History Museum

smallOn Thursday 15 March Angel Francis and Joseph Weitzel joined Mr White at the Natural History Museum as key note speakers at the Global Canvas Conservation Youth Exhibition, organised by the David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation. Joseph and Angel opened the talk with a thought provoking piece of poetry and then followed up with excellent speeches on rhinos and elephants. They tackled the disturbing levels of poaching facing these animals, as well as drawing on their personal experiences of seeing these animals in the wild whilst with Mr White in Namibia on the last school expedition. Their talk was very well received and it was impressive to see two of our students command a large global audience, in one of the greatest venues in the world, with such ease.

"It was such a pleasure to share the stage with two fantastic students and it made me slightly nervous sitting there thinking that i was going to have to follow this" Mr White

Mr White then took to the stage to speak about the importance of conservation and global education using photographs and tales from the bush to lighten a very serious issue which all of us need to be aware of... Just one example is that in the space of ten years there has been a 7,400% increase in the number of rhino being poached for their horn in South Africa alone!

Mr White would like to thank David Shepherd and his team for the invite and all three of them felt very privileged to have been part of an inspiring day.

Year 7 Lockdown Gallery
IMG 1669
Kent Mountain Centre 2019
Sports day 2019