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Medieval Banquet 2012

m_banquet_12_150pxThe annual extravaganza we call the Medieval Banquet has taken place in the very heart of the school.
Each spring our year seven pupils get the chance to sample living in the middle ages. Organised by the food technology department, the majority of students are treated to a feast of pottage and bread with a lucky few eating more richly at the high table. An army of staff and older students provided everyone with a wide variety of entertainment from singing to recitals and short plays to juggling and magic.
The pupils also had the opportunity to tour various stalls demonstrating skills such as calligraphy, weaving, wood turning, sorcery and even more magic.

We would like to thank everyone involved in the success of this marvelous event; from the intense preparation right through to the swift and efficient clear-up, the Medieval Banquet was, yet again, a great occasion.

Year 7 Lockdown Gallery
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