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Student leaders elected

head_students1213_250pxThe school's Head Student Team have been selected to serve for 2012-13

The new Prefects are chosen by interview with Sixth Form staff, then they and staff vote for Prefects or House Captains who they think would make suitable leaders. From a very strong field of enthusiastic and talented Year 12 students, Dominic Woodward and Beth Humby were chosen as our Head Boy and Head Girl. They will represent Dane Court at many official functions and will also organise our Prefect team. Assisting will be the Deputy Head Boys Charlie Stokes, James Knox, Max Yu, and the Deputy Head Girls Abby Suttle, Zoe Woodward and Maria Jane.

Dominic and Zoe are our first twin combination to be in a Head Student team, and we are delighted that one of our team (Maria) comes from our new entrants to the Sixth Form this year.
head_student_team1213_500pxThe team are being introduced to the school in house meetings this week and we are certain that they will be wonderful ambassadors for the school this year. They meet together on a Monday break next to the Sixth Form Office,  if any students or staff want to get in touch with them. Finally we would like to thank our retiring team: Taylor Day and Emily Jones who have been a wonderful Head Boy and Girl, Dominic Bent, Will Grover, Liz Vincent and Maria Steffanini who have been our deputies.

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