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National schools biathlon champions

We are most grateful to Mr Wilmshurst for his support with this event and for providing this article:

IMG-20120325-00111_150pxSix pupils from Dane Court competed in the National Schools Biathlon Championship held at Crystal Palace National Sports Centre on Sunday 25 March.
The Modern Biathlon consists of a non-continuous swim then run (i.e. there is a break between the swim and the run). The distances in both events depend on the school year group of the competitor. More importantly the pupils did fantastically well and are a great credit to themselves and Dane Court.

Alexander Wilmshurst is the National Schools Champion for Year 8 boys and also picked up best swim in his age group with Jamie O'Connor second in the swim. Furthermore the Year 8 Boys are the National School Team Champions with the team consisting of Alexander, Jamie and Harry Bradford.
In the Year 7 girls, Hannah Denny finished third in the swim and sixteenth overall when combined with the run.

In the Year 9 girls, Molly Dawson swam a personal best in her swim and finished forty fifth overall.
Finally in the Year 10 girls, Lauren Joy finished second in the swim and twenty fourth overall.
All six pupils and the team had to qualify first in the County heats and then the regional semi-finals to reach this stage of the competition which in-itself is a remarkable achievement when you consider some of the schools that are competing from right across the county.

Finally, Alexander and the Year 8 Team have now qualified for the national championships in Birmingham on the 13 May along with Lauren Joy who qualified from the regional championship.

Year 7 Lockdown Gallery
Kent Mountain Centre 2019
Sports day 2019