DCGS Boars Head transbg 252x66px png8
ib logo 600px
sub-brand logos with standoff 283px IB Diploma Programme IB Career-related Certiificate



Year 13 fancy dress leavers parade

P1010183 200pxToday we said goodbye to our year 13 students.

Following years of tradition, they arrived on their last day wearing fancy dress.

Gathering in the Heart at break time, the rest of the school came to see the amazing costumes, headdresses, make-up and props.

If our year thirteens have worked as hard on their exam revision as they did on today's brilliant fancy dress; they thoroughly deserve to get the very highest grades.


Road safety campaign

go slow road safety 150pxAlong with other local schools, we have been campaigning since November 2012 for a reduction in speed along the roads outside school and safer pedestrian and cycling routes between home and school. This campaign has been supported by Laura Sandys MP.
We would now like the opportunity to present our campaign to you and take into account your views before progressing further. You are therefore invited to a
Public Road Safety Meeting on Friday 7 June at 6:30pm at The Charles Dickens School.

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Summer uniform

School uniformSummer uniform will be permitted after the holiday and Dane Court Grammar School students may choose to wear the following alternatives from Monday 28 May 2012:

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Funky Footwear Friday

funkyfotwear13 155pxLast Friday, as part of a fundraising effort by Teacher Rebecca Austin, students and staff took the opportunity to don the funkiest footwear they could muster. Rebecca is raising much needed funding to support the very special work carried out by the charity Children with Cancer (http://www.childrenwithcancer.org.uk/). The charity was set up in 1987 in memory of brother and sister, Paul and Jean O'Gorman who both fell victim to leukemia within nine months of each other. Since 1988, thanks to the generous support of the public, they have raised over £150 million to help the fight against childhood cancer.

Students at the school made a donation for the privilege of wearing their funky footwear all day. The best footwear was judged at a special cat walk event during lunchtime. The overall winner of was Neuchatel House with a massive effort from all students and teachers.

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Year 7 Lockdown Gallery
Karl Midlane KMC Oct 2019 4
Kent Mountain Centre 2019
Sports day 2019