DCGS Boars Head transbg 252x66px png8
ib logo 600px
sub-brand logos with standoff 283px IB Diploma Programme IB Career-related Certiificate



House Project Week 2013

MO1L2239 150pxFollowing the success of last year's House Projects, Dane Court Grammar School is again excited to be able to offer our students fantastic project-based learning experiences at the end of the summer term of this academic year.
To allow the students to participate in this engaging and challenging part of their education, normal teaching timetables will be collapsed and all students in Years 7-10 will participate in a House Project from Monday 15 July 2013 to Thursday 18 July 2013 (inclusive).

Year 12 students will complete their Group 4 project and take part in Theory of Knowledge activities towards their IB diplomas or Career-Related Certificate qualifications during this time.

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Pay on-line for school meals and trips

wisepay logo 200pxWe are introducing a more convenient way to pay for school meals and trips on-line using a secure service called WisePay. The system will be live from Monday 29 April 2013; parents who wish to continue making payments by cash or cheque may still do so.

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We are going biometric

fingerprintronic 130pxDuring the course of this academic year we have been experiencing problems with our cashless catering and printing facilities. In addition, our student card system is becoming unreliable. Because of this we have decided to take the exciting step of moving to a new system using biometric information.
This system will be fully operational for cashless catering from Monday 29 April and for printing from September.

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Stay connected

facebooktwitter swirl3 100pxWe offer access to several sources with the aim of keeping you up to date with the goings-on at Dane Court.
Finding the information you want can be time consuming and frustrating and we know from experience that it is impossible for one source to serve the needs of everyone.

Check here to see what we offer and choose the most convenient ways to get the information you need.

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Year 7 Lockdown Gallery
Kent Mountain Centre 2019
Sports day 2019