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International Food Evening 2012

P1010871 150pxYear 7 students took part in the International Food Evening with great panache this year, presenting dishes from over 40 different countries. All corners of the world were represented. Parents and visitors were bowled over by the huge variety of foods that the students had cooked. Many Parents admitted that they honestly did not know what to expect and could not believe the scale of the displays. Lizzie Hughes, Mother of Molly in Year 7 said it was like a professional food fair. She could not believe what she was seeing! Over 600 people attended.

The school was grateful to the traders who came along to add to the evening with displays of specialist foods and drinks and beautiful crafts. Sixth form students provided entertainment on stage with a band, a singing group and a Bollywood style dance. Parents kindly donated raffle prizes. Harrison Catering generously donated a Fortnum and Mason food hamper and Hornby Hobbies generously donated two superb gifts for the auction, which raised over £200.

“The students did us proud. They produced some superb food, including moules from France, maple syrup cake from Canada, sushi from Japan and many, many more delectable dishes.  They enthusiastically enticed the visitors to try their food and were a great credit to the school and to their Parents”, said Judith Baker, Head of the Food Technology Department.

Molly Rennie of 7S said, “The atmosphere had a buzz. This added to the whole feeling of the evening”.

Year 7 Lockdown Gallery
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Kent Mountain Centre 2019
Sports day 2019