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Flash Mob lunchtime

flashmob 200pxAn ordinary school lunchtime transformed into something spectacularly memorable. Miss McWilliam reports:
The success of Friday's Flash Mob undoubtedly belongs to the Year 12 students involved. This is less the story of the day itself; you can see the finished product in the link below. This is the story of how truly special our school and our students are.
Officially, plans to create the Flash Mob started in September, but this is something that Etta, Abbie, Beth and many others have been discussing for years.

The 150 hour Creativity Action Service requirements of the IBDP seemed like a convenient excuse to get the project up and running, but it wasn't the motivating force. Above all else, this project was about uniting a year group, and by proxy, the whole school. The girls that organised this Flash Mob might have all been natural performers and dancers, but this was an event that was open to all; some participants were new to performing, some new to the school, others new to the country and what a way to begin your life at Dane Court!
Part of the reason why this Flash Mob was so special was the attention to detail in the planning stages; the girls were meticulous in their choice of music, opting for a mash-up of popular classics, rather than the simplicity of a single song. They worked closely with Mr Lycett on multiple versions of the final track before they set about choreographing something that would be effective, yet accessible. Then came the Herculean task of organising 46 of their peers, and perhaps more problematically, 8 members of staff, all the while trying to keep this epic endeavour as secret as possible. Stealthy rehearsals meant late night rehearsals, and the sixth form could regularly be seen beavering at homework tasks while they waited for the school to clear. This Flash Mob was a huge commitment in terms of both time and energy, but one that each participant embraced with gusto.
The success and enjoyment gained from this project was not limited to those involved; you just have to listen to the audience's rapt silence as the final lines of "Never Forget" conclude, only to be followed by the roar of utter delight that resonated around the school's Heart as the performers went back to the real world. The final song choice was no accident, it had special meaning to that year group, but it will also now have special meaning to the rest of the school; they witnessed their peers achieve something exceptional. For 8 minutes, our entire school was united in a single space, but the spirit and the enthusiasm of the project will live on. Congratulations Project 12; you did it and I am so very proud of you all.

Students Involved:
Abbie Coombs, Etta Williams, Beth Templeman, Annie Batten, Megan Abbott, Lizzie Rees, Lauren Ellender, Natalie Stafford, Ashley Cole, Zoe Valle Session, Christie Burton, Ben Hoenes, Elias Votta, Andy McIntyre, Lily Breuer, Becky Epps, Eden Jessiman, Rebecca Slevin, Aiden Shaw, Amber Bradford, Amy Mallet, Andy Lau, Anna Harris, Cecile Sorensen, Cecile Nicolajsen, Charlotte Dickens, Cormac Roberson, Eden Turner, Filippo Frabetti, Francesca Amato, Frank Guagliardo, Frankie Minter, Jack Marshall, Kathryn Solly, Katie Endersby, Katie Khamsoda, Maisie Cope, Maxine Campbell, Megan Fagg, Millie Bent, Molly Gallentree, Molly Thompson, Becky Wickenden, Sophie Evksine, Sophie Valentine and Tessa House
Mr Wallace, Mr Towe, Mr Spillett, Mrs Stivarius, Mrs Walsh, Mrs Sotiri, Mrs Snadon and Miss McWilliam.
Special Thanks To:
Mr S. Lycett, Mr J. Lycett, Mr Stivarius, Mr Stocken, Taff, Sally and the cleaning staff

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