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Sixth form students' grand day of sport

130317 sporrt tour 200pxOn Sunday 17 March some of the A level sports science class set off early from school to embark on a day of sport and the chance to put into practice the theory learnt in class. The day started with a visit to Lords to see the National Indoor Cricket finals. Mr white and Mr Towe both play for one of the four teams competing and although not in the starting six, both took part in the warm up. During the game a variety of psychological theories could be applied to the performers. With the match finishing we then took part in the Lords tour, engaging in a history lesson that captured the imagination with tales of the past.

130317 sporrt tour 350pxBy late afternoon it was time to move on to our final destination ... Ice Hockey. The journey itself was an adventure taking in great sporting venues including the O2, Wembley and Mclaren F1 headquarters. The ice hockey was spectacular fun again giving the students a chance to see live sport but this time with an American twist and plenty of "sponsorship". The Guildford Flames won a tight match on penalties, clinching the league title.

A good day was had by all.

Year 7 Lockdown Gallery
Kent Mountain Centre 2019
Sports day 2019