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Road safety campaign

go slow road safety 150pxAlong with other local schools, we have been campaigning since November 2012 for a reduction in speed along the roads outside school and safer pedestrian and cycling routes between home and school. This campaign has been supported by Laura Sandys MP.
We would now like the opportunity to present our campaign to you and take into account your views before progressing further. You are therefore invited to a
Public Road Safety Meeting on Friday 7 June at 6:30pm at The Charles Dickens School.

Speakers will include students from participating schools, Laura Sandys MP, Keith Taylor MEP and Jeremy Leach from 20's Plenty. Local Councillors have also been invited to attend.
Light refreshments will be provided from 6:00pm.
Our schools take road safety very seriously and there have been a number of accidents involving our students in recent months. We wish to improve the safety of students as they travel between home and school before a more serious incident occurs. We would also like to improve the health of our young people by encouraging them to walk and cycle to school, a measure that will then reduce traffic congestion along school routes. We hope to remove barriers that currently stop this, one of which is the safety of pedestrian and cycle routes in the Thanet area.
We hope that you will be able to attend this meeting, put forward your views as residents and join us in our campaign. Should you require any further information please contact Patrick Sawyer at The Charles Dickens School on 01843 862988 or via email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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