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The Parent Gateway is closed

gateway 150pxThe Parent Gateway is no longer available.
We are investigating more efficient and more effective ways of communicating electronically with parents and carers. In the summer mailing we asked parents and carers to let us have their correct email address, so that letters and other communications can be sent and received more reliably.

Read more about our plans and how to ensure you recieve our communications

Other ways to connect with us

Kimono and Tanabata

P1020671 250pxThis week in the year 12 Japanese ab initio class we have focused on certain aspects of Japanese culture. Two things we looked at were the traditional Japanese clothing, Kimono, and the sacred festival of Tanabata, the star festival.

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Year 13 Leavers' Ball 2014

 DSC9642 250pxDane Court Sixth Form held their Year 13 Leavers' Ball at St Augustine's on Friday 13 June and whilst this might be an inauspicious date for some it certainly was not for our party goers. The event was a wonderful celebration of the last evening together as the camaraderie and optimism of all the students was a tribute to their tremendous spirit of adventure and fun. These photos so clearly demonstrate this joy and delight in youthful glamour. Staff applauded this rite of passage as year books were also dispersed which only further added to the mix of sadness and delight. Midnight came only too soon and all lingered, as if by some miracle the night would never end and they would forever remain connected.


Digital Leaders' first technology day

digital leaders 250pxThe Digital Leaders at Dane Court Grammar School held their first Technology Day last week showcasing the new Chromebooks, iPads and apps that are in daily use in lessons. The Digital Leaders'
role is to support staff and fellow students and they are leading the way with Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) so that everyone feels comfortable with using their phones or tablets to enrich their learning. The stalls included advice on the top 10 must-have free apps, introductions to Evernote and Google Drive with 'getting started' leaflets as well as hands-on sessions with equipment. To make the event even more interactive, there was a QR Treasure Trail Prize Draw with codes on every stall revealing a message that could win them a gift voucher donated by IT Services at Dane Court.
P1020495 350pxThe event was well attended and everyone was able to ask questions about equipment; get help with downloading the apps or how to print from their phones or tablets; International Baccalaureate students were given advice on how to use Google Docs to write their Extended Essays and staff were able to book 1-2-1 or group training sessions. All in all, it was a very useful event which inspired the students with new ways to use technology to enhance their learning journey.
Ryan Bowen, one of the Digital Leaders at Dane Court explained that the team aims to help train people to use apps, devices and a wide variety of software. 'We try to help as many people as we can, mainly staff. There are lots of staff within the school who need training in the use of applications such as Google Drive, Evernote, Prezi, etc. The Digital Leaders are happy to help anyone within the school community, staff, students and even parents! We work closely with our IT Technicians here at Dane Court. The Digital Leaders have also helped with the introduction BYOD campaign within school. The aim here is to help staff and students learn how to integrate their own devices into their teaching and learning. We have been going at Dane Court for about 18 months now and we don't aim to stop any time soon! I hope this has given you a bit of an insight to what we do to help!'

Year 7 Lockdown Gallery
IMG 1650
Kent Mountain Centre 2019
Sports day 2019