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Double effort to lend a hand

P1030286 250pxStudents at Dane Court Grammar School have been raising funds for one of the chosen house charities, The Pilgrim's Hospice. Both Barcelona and Sorrento, two of the Houses at Dane Court joined together and organised a range of activities some of which were fairly unique. The fund raising began with Emily Bennett of Sorrento organising the first ever school sleep over for her year 9 class in the process the students raised over £200.
This was followed by girls from Barcelona spending two weeks collecting as many coins as they could to fill a massive heart at a 20p Bazaar Event hosted by both Houses. The Bazaar included one of the biggest Tombola ever seen at the school as students brought in over 250 prizes for the stall. Emily was delighted to have raised £660 in total which was presented to Jo Spiteri, Youth Fund Raising Coordinator at the Pilgrim's Hospice. The presentation took place in the last week of term before the Easter holiday.

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Rainforest comes to Dane Court

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Once again 'Zoo-lab' visited Dane Court with their collection of creepy crawlies to enthral students. The purpose was to demonstrate the diversity of life which lives in the tropical equatorial rainforests and how important it is for the world to preserve all the different species living there.

Students greatly enjoyed holding the snake 'Cleo' and were particularly thrilled to hold 'Steve' the millipede, the Giant snail 'Henry', a rather large stick-insect and Amazonian milk tree frog which was most attractive.

Digital parenting

digital parenting mag 100pxKeeping up to date with the latest developments in digital technology can be very challenging for parents, yet we all want to protect our children from coming to harm via on-line activity. Almost all of our students are never far from their devices and encouraging their positive use is very important. However, there are times when the technology makes bullying much easier and knowing how to help your sons and daughters protect themselves might be very helpful. Kent police recommend the Digital Parenting website as it has information about security settings and protecting on-line identity as well as hints on how to make the best use of tablets and smartphones.

Japanese trainee teachers make Sushi

P1030119 200pxFourteen Japanese teacher trainees from Chaucer College in Canterbury visited our school recently as part of their outreach programme. Dane Court ab initio and IBCC students studying Japanese enjoyed sessions learning Japanese Calligraphy, Manga drawing and Sushi making. The Sushi making session proved very popular and the students were able to make a wide variety of Sushi experimenting with different ingredients and flavourings. It was a great opportunity for all to experience the cultural differences and share some time talking in native Japanese. The visitors had an opportunity to observe English lessons and help develop language skills in a Japanese lesson.


Year 7 Lockdown Gallery
IMG 1556
Kent Mountain Centre 2019
Sports day 2019