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Inspiring presentation to Business Studies students

miles barr 250pxStuart Barr from Miles and Barr talks to the Year 10 Business Studies Groups about being Competitive, Motivating his staff and Entrepreneurial Qualities.

The Business Studies GCSE Controlled Assessment requires students to conduct independent research to investigate a local business in response to an analytical question posed by Edexcel, the exam board. In preparation, we have a practice run to help students hone their research skills and build knowledge and understanding. This year, the topics are: Successful entrepreneur qualities; how businesses compete; and how businesses motivate their staff. We were very fortunate that Stuart Barr from Miles and Barr kindly volunteered his time to come into school and speak with year 10 students about how Miles and Barr and answer their questions.

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Kent School Games training day

sport leaders may14 250pxOn Monday 2 June, eight Dane Court students travelled by minibus up to the University of Kent for the Kent School Games training day. This was the first time they have held a training day for the event.
The morning started with an inspirational talk by an Olympic athlete, Martyn Bernard. He competed in the 2008 Beijing Olympics. His event was the high jump.

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A message from our new Head of School

ATF 150pxIt gives me great pleasure to introduce myself as the new Head of School at Dane Court. My name is Andrew Fowler, and I have come to Dane Court from Queen Elizabeth Grammar School in Penrith, where I was in charge of curriculum, timetable and the music department. Previously I worked in comprehensive and independent schools in Warwickshire, Berkshire and County Durham.
I was attracted to Dane Court by the outstanding quality of the teaching and learning opportunities that the school offers to its students, and the excellent relationships between students and members of staff. The progressive and forward-thinking nature of teachers and students here inspired me right from the start. Our house system offers wonderful support to students and a sense of identity. These are all aspects of school life that I value, and that I want to develop further.

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Year 7 Lockdown Gallery
IMG 1679
Kent Mountain Centre 2019
Sports day 2019