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Engineering Education Scheme

EESTeam2015 250pxFive sixth form students from Dane Court Grammar School completed their submission for the Engineering Education Scheme last Friday. The scheme culminated in a celebration and assessment event held at the University of Kent, Canterbury.

The aim of the scheme is to provide students with an insight into the potential career opportunities available in the engineering industry. Teams work on a real time engineering project set by a local company then have six months to resolve the problem, create a solution, prepare a report and present their ideas to a panel of assessors. Dane Court has been generously supported by Instro Precision Ltd, Broadstairs (Instro) for a number of years by providing a wide variety of challenging tasks and this year was no exception.

The task this year was to create an environment to simulate a typical dust storm that equipment developed by Instro would be subject to in hostile working conditions. If the equipment passes these in house test conditions then it would be sent for official certification with a high degree of certainty that it will pass.
The team developed a variety of solutions and, after some prototyping and discussion with the engineers at Instro, produced a successful outcome that they were able to successfully test to ensure it met industry standards.

Paul Dean, Head of Design Technology said 'This is an outstanding scheme that gives our students a unique opportunity to explore the opportunities presented by potential careers in engineering. This year's team produced an excellent solution to the problem and their presentation was well received by the panel of assessors. As a result the team are likely to receive a Gold CREST award for their efforts. CREST is an industry award scheme that recognises creativity in engineering, science and technology.'

Student Emily Watkins described her experience 'I learned a lot about teamwork as there were occasions where we did not agree on things so would have to talk problems through to arrive at the best possible solution. I also learnt a lot about engineering and what it would be like to have a job in the industry as you have to complete tasks within a deadline'

Tom Jury, Engineering Manager at Instro and chair of the Kent Area of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers added 'Britain is currently lacking in good professional engineers, especially mechanical engineers. Schemes such as EES do not only give huge benefits to the students in introducing them to engineering but also benefit the companies. It was a pleasure to work with the team from Dane Court the students displayed some very good engineering knowledge and implemented a good solution that Instro hopes to adopt as part of their feasibility testing'

Year 13 leavers fancy dress finale

MO1L9712 250pxWith a traditional fancy dress finale our year 13 students completed their time at Dane Court today.

Arriving just before morning break allowed the rest of the school to gather around and marvel at the fantastic costumes.

The year 13s followed the show with a farewell assembly where they were joined by their mentors for fond remeniscing.

Of course, they will return to sit their exams over the next few weeks and we wish them everey succes.


BBC School Report 2015

bbc news report 250pxDane Court students joined forces with King Ethelbert school students for BBC News School Report. They worked hard to meet the deadline and see their presentations go live at 1600 GMT on News Day, Thursday 19 March 2015.

Our Day as News Reporters
By Amika (Dane Court Grammar School) and Lani (King Ethelbert School)
Today we spent the day producing a news report. First, we looked through the newspapers and chose the story we wanted to feature. After being split into broadcasters and writers, we set off to gather our information, facts and statistics. We got into pairs with a pupil from the opposite school and started to research our two stories. We then started to compose a written News report featuring our chosen topics. Once our reports and scripts were completed the Broadcasting team prepared to film. After a few rehearsals, we went live at two o'clock. The broadcast was successful and we really enjoyed our day being reporters because we learnt new skills and made new friends!

Read more ...

The ‘Things that Money Can’t Buy’ raffle

rnd 250pxFancy getting your hands on some exclusive goodies and raising money for a great cause at the same time?
Then you should buy tickets for the Things that Money Can't Buy raffle.
The fantastic prizes include:

1Two large posters, one postcard and one backstage pass signed by James McAvoy! 2Two signed A4 photos of Benedict Cumberbatch!
3Hobbit Panoramic Poster, Limited Edition Hobbit Collector's Set Empire Magazine, Time Out photo spread and Hobbit Cast Postcard Set all signed by Luke Evans! 4The Ruling Class: Two programmes and two posters signed by James McAvoy!
5Signed DVD of Stephen Merchant's 'Hello Ladies...Live!' 8Signed Merlin photos of Merlin (Colin Morgan) and Arthur (Bradley James)
76Signed postcards of Michelle Keegan, Bonnie Wright, James Corden and James McAvoy!

Get involved and raise money for Red Nose Day 2015!
The 'Things that Money Can't Buy' Raffle tickets will be on sale between Monday 9 to Friday 13 March at break-time in the N plaza.
Tickets will cost £1 – what a bargain!
The Raffle will be drawn on Friday 13 March at lunchtime in the N plaza.

Year 7 Lockdown Gallery
Kent Mountain Centre 2019
Sports day 2019