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Kent School Games training day

sport leaders may14 250pxOn Monday 2 June, eight Dane Court students travelled by minibus up to the University of Kent for the Kent School Games training day. This was the first time they have held a training day for the event.
The morning started with an inspirational talk by an Olympic athlete, Martyn Bernard. He competed in the 2008 Beijing Olympics. His event was the high jump.

We then spent the rest of the morning on working on where everything was situated and also how to make the Kent school games enjoyable and successful for everyone. This was achieved by three workshops. After lunch we united into new groups that we would be working in on the day of the Kent School Games. There was a wide range of activities for everyone to participate in and hopefully the volunteers can make it a successful day for everyone!

On behalf of the Dane Court leaders who went, thank you to Mr Wallace for taking us!

Year 7 Lockdown Gallery
PHOTO 2019 10 30 16 46 14
Kent Mountain Centre 2019
Sports day 2019