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Year 6 Open Day - Wednesday 21 October 2015

y6openday15 250pxDane Court Grammar School is a mixed selective secondary school, set on a spacious site in Broadstairs in the heart of Thanet. The school is a friendly and inspiring place in which our students learn and thrive.
Learning at Dane Court is an enjoyable and exciting experience. Students are encouraged to develop the ability to learn independently. Our modern classrooms, laboratories, workshops and creative spaces are stimulating places in which to learn.
We continue to work hard to improve our teaching and learning and to provide a high quality education for our students. We are naturally proud of our students’ examination achievements this year on the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme and Career-related Programme, and at GCSE, where the results were again excellent.
Dane Court has a busy extra-curricular life, providing wonderful opportunities for students to extend their learning and social experiences. Students have the chance to participate in a full range of activities and the school has an excellent reputation for success at local, county and national level in a wide range of sports.
We offer a wealth of exciting opportunities for our students and would like to invite all pupils who have taken the Kent Test this year to visit the school on Wednesday 21 October. For more information call 01843 864941.

Open Day Schedule

9:00am - 11:15am
For those attending Broadstairs, St Peters, Westgate and Birchington schools.
1:15pm - 3:20pm
For those attending Margate, Cliftonville, Ramsgate, Monkton, Minster, Herne Bay, Reculver and St Nicholas schools.
6:00pm - 8:30pm
For those attending any school.

The Head of School, Mr Fowler, will give an introduction to ‘Life at Dane Court’.
This will be followed by a guided tour of the school. Prospectuses will be available.

Can you help our Food Technology Department?

MO1L0298 250pxThe Food Technology department is looking for a volunteer to help with Technician duties for several weeks, starting from the beginning of term. This is to assist the existing technician who has an ankle injury.

Unfortunately the school is unable to offer payment for this work but it would provide an opportunity for anyone who is looking for work experience prior to training or to boost their CV.

The job includes helping to maintain a clean environment, shopping and weighing out for practical work and supporting the teachers and students during and after practical lessons.

The Food Technology Department is extremely busy but a fun environment to work in and we would welcome anyone who feels that they are in a position to help, either full time or part time.

A DBS check will be required and this can be arranged by the school.

If you are interested, please contact the Head of Department, Judith Baker at
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International Food Evening
This major annual event of the school calendar takes place on the evening of Wednesday 2 December this year. The Food Technology department will be particulalrly busy in the weeks approaching this date and would appreciate any extra help you can offer.
International Food Evening letter 2015

GCSE results 2015

P1030710 250pxDane Court Grammar School is celebrating another year of outstanding GCSE results: 97% of students gained at least five GCSE passes at grades A*-C. 46% of students gained 5 or more grades at A*/A. Among our outstanding students, Gowri Satish achieved 10A* grades and 2 As, Charlotte Butler, Sally Warren and Malgorzata Plichter gained 9 A* grades and at least two further A grades; Sally Warren also scored one of the highest marks in the country in her Further Mathematics GCSE. Banisha Aktar, Sam Nicholson and Lauren Palmer-Jones each gained 8A* and at least 3 further A grades. Other top-scoring students included Niharigah Arulampalam, Adele Atkins, Evan Usher, Bradley Garrod, Elly Harvey, Sophie Mallett, Becky Ward, Vita Welcome and Amod Shrestha, all of whom gained between 9 and 12 A* and A grades. Science results were again extremely impressive, with 87% of students gaining A* and A grades in Biology, Chemistry and Physics.

These excellent results mean that the large majority of students have secured the grades they need to progress to high-achieving sixth-form International Baccalaureate courses at Dane Court. Head of School Andrew Fowler said, “these superb results reflect the hard work of the students and the wonderful support they have received from their teachers and parents. A number of students have overcome great personal hardship, and I congratulate them on their success.” Sarah Snaydon, Assistant Headteacher, said “we are enormously proud of all our year 11 students, many of whom have achieved at the highest level. They and their teachers have worked incredibly hard to achieve these superb results.” Chair of Governors Dr Virginia Austin commented, “Governors are intensely proud of the achievements of students and staff at Dane Court.”

Student Gowri Satish said’ I am so over the moon, when I saw my results I couldn’t believe the number of A*’s. I am pleased that all my hard work paid off’

Banisha Aktar said ‘I am really pleased particularly with my Product Design and Physics results as I found these subjects particularly challenging. I never thought in a million, trillion years I would achieve results like these.’

Year 7 Lockdown Gallery
IMG 1308
Kent Mountain Centre 2019
Sports day 2019