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Double effort to lend a hand

P1030286 250pxStudents at Dane Court Grammar School have been raising funds for one of the chosen house charities, The Pilgrim's Hospice. Both Barcelona and Sorrento, two of the Houses at Dane Court joined together and organised a range of activities some of which were fairly unique. The fund raising began with Emily Bennett of Sorrento organising the first ever school sleep over for her year 9 class in the process the students raised over £200.
This was followed by girls from Barcelona spending two weeks collecting as many coins as they could to fill a massive heart at a 20p Bazaar Event hosted by both Houses. The Bazaar included one of the biggest Tombola ever seen at the school as students brought in over 250 prizes for the stall. Emily was delighted to have raised £660 in total which was presented to Jo Spiteri, Youth Fund Raising Coordinator at the Pilgrim's Hospice. The presentation took place in the last week of term before the Easter holiday.

Emily said 'I spoke with our Head Teacher to ask if I could organise a sleep over and Bazaar, the meeting went very well and I was given permission to organise the sleep over much to the delight of my class. As a result of all this fund raising we managed to raise an amazing £660. I was really proud of my class as the events were a huge success. I would like to thank Mrs Riley, my head of house, for the tremendous encouragement and support she gave me whilst I was organising these events'

Year 7 Lockdown Gallery
IMG 5904
Kent Mountain Centre 2019
Sports day 2019