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Sorrento's 10p bazaar

sorrento_flames_with_mammongraphy_appeal_120pxSorrento are holding a 10p bazaar on Tuesday 7 February at 1:10pm in aid of their house charity; the East Kent Breast Cancer Mammography Appeal.

Stalls will include various fete-like activities, for example, cakes, guess the name of the bear, splat the rat, guess the teacher from their baby photos and a tombola which we are hoping will be the main attraction.

Consequently, if anyone has any suitable tombola prizes we accept them with a huge thank you.  Prizes to be taken to Miss Riley's office in Sorrento.

House captains for 2012

all_house_captains12Elections were held last Friday with over 40 year 12 students standing for election for the posts of House and Games Captains. In many cases the competition was a very close one, with many really excellent candidates who had spent the week visiting their houses during form time.

The house events and competitions are now their responsibility and it will be down to students and staff alike to give them lots of support and ideas. We are hoping to hold another 'just dance' competition in the house spaces very soon....watch this space.

Read more: House captains for 2012

Talent shows - Christmas 2011

House captains in panto dressThe end of the House Year was, as usual, marked with its greatest competitions – the Talent Shows.

Featuring two acts from each house the Key Stage 3 show was a fantastic afternoon's entertainment with singers, dancers, musicians and the very first monologue, performed by Sam Williams of 7B. Special mention must go to all of Year seven who endured being utterly squashed at the front of the hall for the afternoon, and to all the students for being a really encouraging, supportive audience.

Read more: Talent shows - Christmas 2011

End of another house year

2011 house captains

The end of the House year saw Sorrento as runaway victors of the House Cup by a staggering 49 points! Always famed for their fifth or sixth slot the reversal in fortune was a real achievement for Captains Sam Hornsey, Maria Steffanini and Emily Jones; well done also to Miss Riley and Mrs Parsons who have supported the efforts to make Sorrento such convincing winners!

Read more: End of another house year

Spread a little cheer

gosh_posterSupporting Great Ormond Street Hospital as our house charity was always going to be a worthy cause, and one that people care deeply about. In the run up to Christmas we took part in the GOSH festive poster campaign whereby staff and students could pay £1 and write a festive message on a sticker then attach it to a poster.

Read more: Spread a little cheer

Year 7 Lockdown Gallery
Karl Midlane Kmc Gorge Oct 2019 35
Kent Mountain Centre 2019
Sports day 2019

House Points

Barcelona Barcelona 38
Delphi Delphi 21
Helsinki Helsinki 20
Neuchâtel Neuchatel 29
Sorrento Sorrento 26
Tallinn Tallin 18