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The Teenage Cancer Trust lunchtime event supported by Delphi House took place on Thursday 6 December 2011 and we raised £167.80 for this excellent cause.

A variety of events took place.  We had a bake sale where many outstanding Delphi pâtissiers showed off their cake baking skills.  This was a very popular stall and they sold almost half of their cakes in the first 10 minutes.  There were also two computer game events that took place; Wii Tennis, where Mr Pullen and Mrs Stivarius demonstrated their skills on the court, and Guitar Hero, where Nikita Logonov (9B) and Mrs Snaydon played a duet of Bohemian Rhapsody.

Other competitions that took place were guessing the number of sweets in the jar, which was won by Morgan Laurence in 7D, as well as guessing the name of the Delphi Dragon.  This event was won by Katie Hatt in 8B who correctly named the Dragon "Norbert" from the Harry Potter films.

Mr Dean arranged a hot dog sale run by students from 9D and Greg Whatley and Michael Woodrow (also 9D) were selling their handmade Christmas decorations.   There was also a stall selling Teenage Cancer Trust pin badges, wrist bands and mobile phone charms.  There are still plenty of these left so if you would like one please see Mr Wood in the Delphi office.

All in all it was a fantastic event which was well supported by everyone.  We are planning another event to take place in 2012 which you are all invited to!  Many thanks to everyone who helped out, donated or just came to be a part of the action.

Year 7 Lockdown Gallery
IMG 6072
Kent Mountain Centre 2019
Sports day 2019

House Points

Barcelona Barcelona 38
Delphi Delphi 21
Helsinki Helsinki 20
Neuchâtel Neuchatel 29
Sorrento Sorrento 26
Tallinn Tallin 18