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A message to parents of year 11 students

Dear parents/guardians of year 11
boars head 54x64pxThe GCSE examination timetables have been issued to students this week, please keep these in a safe place to enable you to support your child through these examinations.
Whilst the timetables have now been finalised the qualification regulators, JCQ (Joint Council for Qualifications) and government departments responsible for education have prepared and agreed information for schools in the event of examinations being seriously disrupted. This jointly agreed information will ensure consistency of response in the event of major disruption to the examination system affecting a number of different candidates and examination centres.

JCQ has designated Wednesday 26 June 2019 as a 'contingency day' for examinations.
This means that students should be available up until 27 June 2019, in case the contingency day has to be used.
Please bear this in mind when booking any holidays this summer.

Kind regards
Nic Aherne
Examinations Officer

DCGS Chatter Edition 6 - Christmas

Chatter6 250pxChristmas Chatter is almost here and although September seems a long time ago, we are all already one third of the school year down! 

The Chatterers have been so keen to help you all celebrate Christmas that they have created this edition in just over a week. Filled with festive fun, the Y8 Christmas cake competition, cracking jokes, Christmas history, a quiz to see if you are 'naughty' or 'nice', seasonal stories, competitions to win prizes and much, much, much more. So hurry onto the link to get your copy now!
Thanks to everyone who have supported us, particularly our sponsors the Parent's Association, and we wish you all an amazing 2019.

The Chatter Team

  pdf Chatter 6 - Christmas (1.95 MB)

See all Chatter publications

Dane Court teacher guest editor of BBC Radio 4 Feedback

r4feedback 250pxWhen BBC Radio 4 programme Feedback announced that it was looking for guest editors for its broadcasts in the run-up to Christmas, Dane Court Grammar School English teacher Ben Forward was quick to respond.
The BBC calls Feedback "Radio 4's forum for comments, queries, criticisms and congratulations" and, as a frequent listener, Ben was keen to get involved. He also knew there would be Dane Court staff, students and parents with something to say about current issues important to the BBC and many of its listeners.

Feedback promptly appointed Ben as its guest editor for the show to be aired on Friday 14 December 2018. Preparations were made to welcome the Feedback team to our school just two days before the broadcast date.

In the programme, students, teachers and parents join a debate to discuss BBC radio programmes and podcasts selected by editor Ben. Later on, programme presenter Roger Bolton met with a student discussion group including head of our very own Dane Court Radio station to tackle, among others, the question "Should the BBC be spending its time and money chasing younger listeners?"

Thanks to the following for their valuable contribution to the success of this venture:
Students Josh (discussion group), Ash (discussion group and debate), William (DC Radio interview and debate), Pasan (DC Radio interview), Alfie (DC Radio interview) and Antonio (debate)
Parent Ian Barker
Teachers Nicola Sotiri, Sarah Stivarius and of course, mastermind and editor-for-the-day Ben Forward. 

Listen to the extended podcast version now

BBC Radio 4 Feedback's Twitter page

Panto for Yoakley residents

20181204 144656 250pxThe year 12 *IBCP Health and Social Care class treated the residents at Yoakley Homes to a Christmas extravaganza when they performed a magical version of ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ last week. All the class members took part, including the teachers. Mr Osborne, at six feet eight inches tall just had to be the giant!
Each year the Health and Social Care students are given the task of working together as a team in order to produce something for others and this year the residents of Yoakley Homes had asked for a pantomime.

For many of the students this was quite a challenge as they had not performed before, but we were so impressed at the way they came together to create the scenery, costumes, props and refreshments for the performance. The challenge was to present the final show in a week.
One of the residents said “It is so kind of these young people to take time off their studies to come and entertain us here. We do like to see them. They are very good!”

*The International Baccalaureate Career-related Programme in Health and Social Care is one of five exciting vocational courses you could study as a member of our sixth form. Alongside the IB Diploma Programme, it forms part of a unique range of opportunities available at Dane Court Grammar School.
Learn more about our sixth form.

Year 7 Lockdown Gallery
Kent Mountain Centre 2019
Sports day 2019