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Chatter edition 9 - Cake

Chatter8 250pxThe Chatter Team have packed a great deal into a very short term and this has certainly been shown by the delivery of this fun packed newspaper in only a few weeks!

The Easter break has refreshed everyone and the enthusiasm for writing articles about their holiday, and participating in activities, appears boundless. We have over 70 students plus staff who work on the newspaper and we welcome anyone who would like to get involved. On page three you can read how one Chatterer, Jacob Cherry, has summed up his year with the newspaper.
Having just celebrated our first birthday and finally had our birthday cake, we jumped straight into the mixing bowl once more by holding our Chatter Charity Bake Sale. The students worked incredibly hard and produce some amazing bakes but, Jacob was right, popcorn was inspired and lucrative! The Cheerful Sparrows Ward at QEQM Margate will be the recipient of the bake sale takings this term. With boundless energy, the students are eager to do the next one, but the great news is that it is half term next week so we can stock up on baking supplies!

Happy half term,
The Chatter Team

  pdf Chatter 9 - Cake (3.65 MB)

See all Chatter publications

Ben walks the walk for breast cancer charity

IMG 1517 250pxOn the weekend of 11 and 12 May 2109 Ben Pope took part in the Walk the Walk Moonwalk in London. It is run by the charity Walk the Walk and it is about raising money and awareness of breast cancer. It involves walking (absolutely no running is allowed) marathon (26.2 miles) through the night around London along with 15,000 other men and women (10,000 women & 5,000 men) in decorated bras (or dressed as a superhero in the case of Ben and his friend Paul) - from about 11:00pm until however long it takes. The minimum age to take part in the event is 13. Being 13 they could only be registered for the Half Moon plus 2 (15.1 miles) and not yet for the Full. This is the same event but for just over half of the route.

Walkthewalk logo 266pxWe trained since January and built up the distances gradually and the longest walk we did was 14 miles - Ramsgate to Sandwich and back via the nature reserve. We did a fundraising quiz night to help with building up our donations which was very successful and this all boosted their confidence in completing the Half Moon. On Thursday 9 May we received an email from Walk the Walk to tell us that out of 15,000 people there were 36 13 year olds taking part - 33 girls and 3 boys (Ben, Paul and one other). On Saturday evening the 13 year olds were called to the stage in the huge pink 'tent' where the impact could be made that when they are middle aged (in 2050) there will be a cure for breast cancer. They raised awareness that men get breast cancer too (worryingly not that many people know this) and they put themselves through mental and physical endurance challenge to achieve this. They saw the London Eye and Marble Arch lit up pink for the night to mark the event. Ben showed great stamina and willingness to put himself through this challenge for others. Up until Saturday night our team of four had raised £875. This has contributed to the total of £2.8 million which is incredible for 15,000 people.

Netball invitation tournament

netball190429a 250pxOn Thursday 25 April 2019 the year 7 and 8 girls netball team attended the Kent Netball Invitation tournament at Rainham School for girls. We are extremely proud of both teams achieving some amazing results; year sevens came first and year eights came second. Well done girls.

Girls reach national league rugby finals

Rugby190426 250pxDane Court Grammar Schools’ girls Rugby league teams have a busy schedule coming up with three teams having reached the National Finals Tournament. Last year saw one team qualify after winning the county and South East Regional Finals before travelling to Lancashire where they eventually finished in 5th place from the 8 teams that made it through their respective area campaigns. This year our U13, U14 and U15 sides have all made great strides to reach this prestigious stage of the Rugby League Champions Schools Cup.
The U13 (year 8) side have improved most with a number of girls joining their friends for the first time in playing this fast, physically demanding game. As with all new games basic technique has to be allied with the confidence to engage with the physical challenge and the girls have stepped up to that challenge. Power, pace and courage are all on show in ever game and the team is superbly lead by captain Macy Bowerbank.

The U14 (year 9) team have also had an influx of players which has added depth to their squad and strengthened their confidence. They too, are well led by captain Keira Hulks and she has plenty of skillful backup in her team.
For the U15 (year 10) girls this will be a return to Warrington where they played so well last year. Several girls are now reaping the rewards of three years experience in the game and can call on the benefits gained from some of the girls’ regular involvement in rugby union, including skipper Abbie Debling - already a World Youth 7s tournament winner.
So a long day awaits in the second week of May as the girls travel north to pit their skills against the country’s best schools, we congratulate them and wish them well.

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Year 7 Lockdown Gallery
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Kent Mountain Centre 2019
Sports day 2019