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International Food Evening 2018

MO1L8355 250pxLoud, buzzy and exciting to say the least. The International food evening that took place on Thursday 6 December 2018 and has been hosted by determined members of the Food Department for 23 years running. It took weeks and weeks of preparation and hard work but it was all worth it in the end and I’m sure that all the members of year 7 that took part in this event will cherish it for the rest of their school career and far into the future.

It was a fabulous opportunity for many to show what food they eat and enjoy within their culture, country and religion to classmates and members of the public. In my opinion, above all it was about trying something new, experimenting and getting out of your comfort zone. As well as the food, there were so many opportunities to get out of your comfort zone, whether that was something as simple as cooking for the first time, or communicating with other people whilst setting up, or something more nerve racking such as talking to members of the public.
With my partner we did South Africa, but in this event there were over 40 countries, From England and Wales, to places across the world such as India, Oman, Australia, Greece and Spain to name a few.
As well as the food stands we had a raffle, an auction and even a cocktail bar with a variety of non-alcoholic cocktails that everybody could enjoy. As well as this we had a tea bar, that served tea, coffee and also small cups of squash for people’s babies, toddlers and little kids to enjoy.

Of course this event was to have fun and to get out of your comfort zone and try new things, but it is a huge event for the Food department as it is a chance for them to raise much needed money for the department to have the best equipment to help make our experience in our Food and Nutrition lessons the best it can be, and to give us the highest chance of succeeding in this subject. Also new equipment will benefit many years of Dane Court students to come.

Thank you to everybody who helped in this event: all of the Food and Nutrition teachers, the year 7s, the helpers at the cocktail bar, the auctioneer, helpers with the raffle and also the people who helped with the under estimated job of cleaning up so that all of the building would be able to be used by students the following school day. Also a big thank you to anybody who provided auction or raffle prizes or spent any money at the event as it all helps. Altogether around £600 was raised and thanks to all of these efforts this is money that the food Department can use to help all of the students in Dane Court Grammar School.

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