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DCGS Chatter Edition 5 - In Remembrance

Download Chatter 5The Chatter team have had a truly enlightening time investigating the meaning of Remembrance Day and learning about the impacts of the First World War. One of the most striking discoveries was the sheer number of young boys, of school age, who fought for us to have the world we have today.
We also have an account of the Year 9 trip to Ypres, Belgium, where they visited memorials, cemeteries and museums relating to the war, and they even had a taste of trench life!
The BIG Debate under investigation was, 'War - what is it good for?' Student responses can be read on page 7, and are an eyeopener into what our community think.
Connie and Gregor in Year 7 were the undisputed winners of the Hallowe'en competition and we are delighted to publish the literary works on page 12.
Remember to enter our competition on page 17 where the challenge is to design a Christmas Card, and look out for our Christmas edition coming before the holidays!
Best regards
The Chatter Team

pdf Chatter 5 - Remembrance

See all Chatter publications (1.43 MB)

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