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sub-brand logos with standoff 283px IB Diploma Programme IB Career-related Certiificate



WisePay's new mobile app

WisePay App Phone 250pxOur online payment service for parents, WisePay, is piloting a new mobile app and we have joined in.

If you would like to give it a spin, please follow the advice in the user guide.

Note that you will need to obtain the organisation code to set up the app. This can be obtained by logging in to your existing WisePay account in the usual way.

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Table tennis report 2018-9

tt 2018 250pxLast year’s record of success was always going to be an extremely tough act to follow and it is true that 2018-9 was not as rewarding in terms of medals and achievements but it was still a fine year for Table Tennis at Dane Court with many excellent performances from both teams and individuals.

In the County Team Championships at the Medway Sports Centre back in November pride of place goes to the Under 13 Boys team consisting of Ben Allinson, Aarav Shah, Henry Mason and Lucas Harris who finished Runners Up and took the silver medals. The Under 16 A team of Louis Lines, Jayson Morley-Stone, Will Barker and Nikos Whittaker did very well to come third and clinch bronze medals as did the Under 16 Girls team of Beth Brenchley, Sofia Williams ,Paige Austen and Amy Wright. The more inexperienced Under 16 Boys B team of Russell Perry,Connor Regnauf-Dardennes, Riley Watkins and Finn Connelly won one and lost one of their group matches which was not enough to qualify for the next stage.

In the Boys County Individual Tournament Ben Allinson reached the Under 13 Final thus becoming the first Dane Court boy to reach a County Final. He lost a tight match in 3 sets to claim the silver medal while Henry Mason won a bronze medal in the Under 13 Consolation event. In the Girls Individual Tournament Beth Brenchley played really well to win the Consolation event for the Under 16 Girls and so take the gold medal.

Many Dane Court students play at Thanet Vikings Table Tennis Club and it has been encouraging to see so many compete regularly in the Thanet adult league and gain some impressive victories. Aarav Shah recently became the Thanet Under 12 champion while Ben Allinson was runner up in the Under 14 event. Louis Lines has been part of the successful Thanet Vikings Junior team that has notched up some brilliant results while he also won the Allocated Doubles event at the Thanet Table Tennis Championships. Finally it is great to see Catherine Banks, the highest ranking Dane Court player in the local leagues, going to Wolverhampton in April to represent the school and Kent in the National Schools Girls Under 19 Table Tennis Championships.

DCGS Chatter Edition 7 - Valentines

Chatter7 250pxLove is the theme for this edition of the student newspaper, Chatter. Naturally, with Valentine's Day on the horizon, it prompted thoughts of love and happiness, but also echoes of the trappings of commercialisation enforced by another retailer spend-fest. 'What's Love Got To Do With It', was debated, the results of which you can read on page 3 in 'The BIG Debate'.

Food Tech had another busy term with the Year 9 Valentine's Bistro. Students planned, prepared, cooked and served a two-course meal for their selected staff couples to have a 'blind date'. 9D had a brilliant day and took a risk to pair our Head, Miss Greig, with a mystery man! Wonderful dishes and Mrs Baker's photographs can be seen on pages 7-9.

Among many other articles, we talk about the history behind Valentine's Day, having a Chinese buddy, have a number of things to make and do, feature some of our new House Captains and the incoming Student Heads of School, and see Joe Allen and Harry Day, again 9D, who triumphed in the Key Stage 3 Talent Show.
We hope you take time to read through this edition of Chatter and we would love to hear your views or ideas for other editions.

Best regards
The Chatter Team

  pdf Chatter 7 - Valentines (2.58 MB)

See all Chatter publications

Years 7 and 8 win Kent Sports Hall Athletics

PHOTO 2019 02 06 07 51 07 250pxThis week our year 7 girls team, year 7 boys team, year 8 girls team, and year 8 boys team attended the finals of the Kent sports hall athletics competition up at Medway Leisure Centre.

After some tough competition from schools all around the county who had won their distinct event the results for us were amazing, even beating the silvers we achieved last year:

Year 7 girls came 6th out of 14 teams
Year 7 boys - 1st
Year 8 girls - 1st
Year 8 boys - 1st.

Well done to all pupils involved, what an achievement.

Year 7 Lockdown Gallery
PHOTO 2019 10 30 16 46 14
Kent Mountain Centre 2019
Sports day 2019