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Panto for Yoakley residents

20181204 144656 250pxThe year 12 *IBCP Health and Social Care class treated the residents at Yoakley Homes to a Christmas extravaganza when they performed a magical version of ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ last week. All the class members took part, including the teachers. Mr Osborne, at six feet eight inches tall just had to be the giant!
Each year the Health and Social Care students are given the task of working together as a team in order to produce something for others and this year the residents of Yoakley Homes had asked for a pantomime.

For many of the students this was quite a challenge as they had not performed before, but we were so impressed at the way they came together to create the scenery, costumes, props and refreshments for the performance. The challenge was to present the final show in a week.
One of the residents said “It is so kind of these young people to take time off their studies to come and entertain us here. We do like to see them. They are very good!”

*The International Baccalaureate Career-related Programme in Health and Social Care is one of five exciting vocational courses you could study as a member of our sixth form. Alongside the IB Diploma Programme, it forms part of a unique range of opportunities available at Dane Court Grammar School.
Learn more about our sixth form.

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