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Outstanding GCSE Results 2023

CO1A0616420 pxStudents here at Dane Court Grammar School have once again demonstrated outstanding academic excellence, with an impressive 56% of all GCSEs graded 7 or above.

A remarkable 15% of examinations were awarded the top grade 9, testament to the outstanding efforts of both the students and the teaching staff.

Attainment was particularly strong in core subjects, with English, Maths and Science achieving high proportions of top grades. An astonishing 34% of students were awarded level 9 for English and 32% of students received either grade 8 or 9 in Maths. 99.4% of students passed both English and Maths.

Martin Jones, Headteacher, said, “The students have worked exceptionally hard and we are very proud of their achievements. These excellent grades reward the students’ hard work and commitment to their studies, as well as the expertise and dedication of the whole staff team. The students are very well prepared for post-16 study and we look forward to further success in the Sixth Form. The vast majority of the year group will start their IB courses with us at the start of September."

There were many individual success stories - some of the highlights include:

  • Edward Dunne achieved an astounding twelve grade 9s and will go on to study higher Maths, Physics and Computer Science.
  • Jacob Patton was awarded ten grade 9s and a grade 8, and will also study higher Physics, Maths and Computer Science.
  • Laurence Stephenson was awarded ten grade 9s and a grade 8, and will take higher Physics, Maths and Geography.
  • Gregor Hutchison achieved ten grade 9s and a grade 8, and will study Physics, Maths and Chemistry at higher level.
  • Neeraj Rajeev achieved nine grade 9s and two grade 8s, and will be studying Physics, Maths and Chemistry at higher level.
  • Joshua Stamford-Houseman was awarded eight grade 9s and three grade 8s, and will study Economics, Maths and Physics at higher level.
  • Milo Ainsworth achieved eight grade 9s, two grade 8s and a grade 7, and will be studying higher Biology, Chemistry and Social Anthropology.
  • Izzy Tighe was awarded eight grade 9s and three grade 8s, going on to study higher Physics, Biology and Maths.
  • Isabelle Wilcox achieved seven grade 9s and two grade 8s and will be studying higher Chemistry, Biology and Maths.
  • Connie Chesters was awarded seven grade 9s and three grade 8s, going on to study higher Chemistry, Biology and Spanish.
  • Lola Crossley also achieved seven grade 9s and three grade 8s, and will study higher Chemistry, Biology and English.
  • Amelia Parris was awarded seven grade 9s, three grade 8s and a grade 7, going on to study higher Chemistry, Maths and Spanish.
  • Louis Eldred achieved six grade 9s and four grade 8s, and will study higher Biology, Physics and Maths.
  • Sophie Beyer was awarded six grade 9s, four grade 8s and two grade 7s, and will study higher Chemistry, Biology and History.
  • Oasis Smith achieved six grade 9s and four grade 8s and will go on to study higher Chemistry, Physics and English.

Chatter 26 - summer 2023

Chatter21The DCGS Chatter team have, as always, been working hard to bring you this final edition of Chatter before the summer holidays.

Chatter members have been getting involved with lots of exciting events both within and outside of school since our Easter edition and writing a variety of reports to bring you all the latest DCGS news!

This edition includes exciting articles on the Medieval Banquet, Grease, International Food Evening and Sports Day, as well as recent school trips and updates on fundraisers, competitions and celebrations. We say goodbye and good luck to Year 11, Year 13 and some wonderful members of Dane Court staff and offer advice to those starting their GCSEs in September.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has been a part of Chatter over the past 5 years, from attending meetings to writing articles, getting involved in school events and raising money for our Chatter fundraisers.

We hope you enjoy reading this edition of Chatter as much as we have enjoyed putting it together, and wish you all a restful and safe summer.

DCGS Chatter team

pdf Chatter 26 - Summer 2023 (5.72 MB)

See all Chatter publications

Newbies at debate tournament finish in top three

image 50777857 420pxWe are delighted to share the remarkable achievements of the Dane Court Debate Club at their first ever tournament held in London. Our dedicated teams from all key stages demonstrated exceptional skills as they competed against schools from across England. With 108 speakers and 444 speeches across the day, We are proud to say that all of our teams won in rounds 2, 3 and 4 of the tournament, engaging with challenging and relevant motions.

We are also incredibly proud to announce that our Key Stage 5 team achieved an outstanding second place overall after a thrilling and very impressive final. A truly remarkable feat for their first ever tournament.

We would like to acknowledge the hard work and commitment of every single student. We are incredibly proud of all their achievements not only showcased today but in their dedication to attending weekly debate club across the year - their continued participation demonstrates their willingness to challenge themselves and, as a result, make wonderful progress. We look forward to witnessing their continued growth and success in future debating endeavours. They are a credit to our school and to our community as a whole.

IB results 2023

CO1A9041 420pxSixth Form students at Dane Court Grammar School are celebrating an exceptional set of results in their International Baccalaureate (IB) exams. The average point score on the IB Diploma is an impressive 36, which exceeds the global average and is equivalent to A*A*A at A Level. A remarkable 41 students, accounting for 59% of the cohort, have achieved 35 points or above and a further 17% have been awarded an exceptional score of 40 points or more.

Once again, students from Dane Court have benefitted from the excellent preparation provided by the IBDP for Oxbridge applications. As a reflection of the high regard the IBDP is held in, the University of Oxford's standard offer to Dane Court students is 38 points. This year, a staggering 35% of IBDP students achieved this figure.

The IB programme not only provides a prestigious educational pathway but also offers flexibility to pursue a range of courses at impressive destinations. These are just some of the successes celebrated by top performing Diploma students at Dane Court this year:

  • Linus de Syllas Hammond has achieved an outstanding score of 45 points (full marks) and will study Law at Bristol.
  • Beth Tebbutt-Ford has achieved an impressive score of 44 points, exceeding her offer for Cambridge where she will study Law.
  • Gabriela Austin has secured a place at Oxford to study English with 38 points.
  • Cooper Roost, with a score of 43 points, has surpassed his offer for Philosophy and Politics at Kent by an impressive 13 points.
  • Izzy Kirby, also with 43 points, has far exceeded her offer and secured a place at York to study Biomedical Science.
  • Harry Dunk’s outstanding score of 42 points surpasses his Chemistry offer at UCL by 10 points.
  • Riley Watkins has achieved exceptional grades in his higher subjects, with an overall score of 41, securing a place on a prestigious Mechanical Engineering course at Imperial College London.
  • Febin D’Silva and Brono Kandathy have secured places to study Medicine at Sussex and Exeter.
  • Stan Gadd has secured an international place at Leiden University in Holland.
  • Nancy Edwards, who exceeded her offer by 9 points, will pursue her passion for writing for performance at the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama.

In addition, 100% of our IB Careers’ Programme students have secured the full award, with 72% of the cohort achieving D*/D in vocational subjects. 63% of the IBCP cohort have also been awarded an A or B grade in their Reflective Project - a core component that requires the study of an ethical dilemma in their vocational subject, developing students’ commercial awareness and critical thinking.

The strength and breadth of the IB offer has enabled high achieving students in recent years to choose between degree courses at Russell Group universities and paid, degree-level apprenticeship programmes. Beth Doughty, Alexus Porter and Amy Wright are among those whose excellent grades place them in line for impressive apprenticeship and employment positions in accountancy, quantity surveying and criminal justice.

Headteacher, Martin Jones, said: "I am delighted for all of our students. These superb outcomes are the result of exceptional hard work, dedication and commitment. These stunning grades, and the prestige of the IB, have opened up exciting and hugely impressive destinations for our students, including elite and highly selective universities in the UK and around the world. It is wonderful to hear that our students have already secured places on the most competitive university courses, as well as prestigious higher and degree-level apprenticeships.

On behalf of our students, I would like to thank our fantastic teachers for their guidance and expertise. I know our students would also like to thank everyone who has supported and cared for them throughout their time in our Sixth Form. Many congratulations to all of our students, we are immensely proud of them."

Andrew Coventon, who is joining Dane Court as Head of Sixth form in September, added: “Congratulations to Year 13 for achieving an outstanding set of results. It is clear that the school's world-class IB programmes have given students a powerful competitive edge in their applications to prestigious universities and top-level apprenticeships. I am excited to be joining Dane Court as Head of Sixth Form in September and am looking forward to contributing to the school’s strong culture of excellent teaching, individual support, and focus on aspirational destinations.”

Dane Court Grammar School continues to demonstrate its commitment to academic excellence, providing its students with a well-rounded education that prepares them for a range of excellent destinations. These outstanding results reflect the dedication and passion of both the students and the staff to this prestigious, world class programme. Having already secured grades and places on university courses and apprenticeships, the students can now enjoy a long and well-deserved, stress-free summer.

It's not too late to join us in September

Students interested in joining the school’s sixth form in September should contact the school on 01843 864941 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Read more about our sixth form here.

Year 7 Lockdown Gallery
Kent Mountain Centre 2019
Sports day 2019