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Student survey - results

boar drop shadow alpha trans 100pxLast term, we surveyed all students to get a feel for what it’s like to be studying at Dane Court. We asked about our school values and teaching strategies, as well as perceptions of behaviour, bullying, wellbeing, extra curricular opportunities and the impact of PSHE.  

Over 400 students responded (just over ⅓ of the student body).  Across all year groups, an average of 91% of students say they enjoy school (with 99% of students in year 7 claiming they enjoy it at least some of the time).

IEnjoySchoolOur school values encourage everyone in the community to be caring, open-minded and principled, and this is reflected in the survey results: 95% of students in years 7-9, and 82% of students in years 10-13 agree the school encourages them to respect people from other backgrounds and treat everyone equally. A high proportion of students perceive the behaviour of other students as good, and the majority of those who are aware of bullying agree that it is dealt with quickly.

This year, we have introduced three evidence-informed teaching strategies, to ensure high quality talk, regular retrieval and opportunities for silent, independent practice in all lessons.  Students in all year groups recognise the benefits of these strategies - for example, 76% of Yr 7 students feel more confident taking part in discussion using the ‘Think Pair Share’ strategy.  93% of all students agree they feel more confident tackling new tasks when teachers model perfect answers - something we will continue to do in all subjects.

RespectPeopleOur PSHE/SRE programme has been developed this year and already it is having an impact, particularly in the younger years: 73% of year 7 and 8 students feel these lessons give them confidence when dealing with health and wellbeing issues.

The events of the past two years have made extra-curricular provision difficult, but one of our aims this year is to revive previous opportunities and add to our extra-curricular offer. It is hugely encouraging to see that 54% of students are now taking part in a range of activities outside the classroom; Year 12 is the most active year group, with 71% taking part in clubs and groups.

We asked students what the best things about being in Dane Court are, and received a range of responses. Here is a snapshot:

Year 7: ‘It’s fun and educational at the same time and the teachers are always nice and helpful.’

Year 8: ‘Being accepted for who I am by other pupils.’

Year 9: ‘Having fun, making memories, learning new things.’

Year 10:  ‘Wide range of opportunities given, mainly academically, and the attitude of teachers towards learning.’

Year 11: ‘Being able to learn in a comfortable and safe environment.’

Year 12: ‘The IB is a much better choice than any other offered nearby.’

Year 13: ‘Dane Court feels like a community and I will be sad to leave.’

We also asked what we could do better, and many students responded ‘nothing!’  Some students requested more support with mental health, so we have recruited three new members of staff as Welfare Mentors and trained a group of Year 13 students as Mental Health Ambassadors.  Over the coming weeks, we will work with year leads and mentors to address any other concerns or suggestions raised in the surveys.

We would like to thank all students who took part in the survey - it is hugely valuable being able to see our school through the eyes of the students. We will run a follow-up survey in April, so please encourage your children to take part. 

UPDATED: Start of term 3 - COVID-19 testing

boars head 54x64pxHappy New Year. I hope that you have enjoyed a peaceful holiday.

Yesterday, the Department for Education issued updated Covid-19 safety guidance for schools. The main points concern the use of face coverings, on-site Covid-19 testing at the start of Term 3, new rules about self-isolation, and daily testing for close contacts of Covid-19.

On-site Covid-19 testing schedule

Students will be offered one on-site Covid-19 test on Tuesday 4 or Wednesday 5 January according to the schedule below. Although testing is voluntary we would encourage as many students as possible to take part in the on-site testing offered to help facilitate the safest possible school environment for their return to school for Term 3.

Please be aware that the guidance around testing in the 90 days following a positive test has recently changed. The guidance now states: Even if your son/daughter has tested positive for COVID-19 within the last 90 days, they are strongly encouraged to take part in on-site LFD testing or test at home once they have completed their isolation period for their prior infection. If your son/daughter chooses to test at home please report the results to school. Students not taking part in the on-site testing should return to school at the same time as their form group according to the testing schedule below. If students are unable to attend their time slot, they should test at home - there will be no 'catch-up' opportunity.

Safety measures on the first testing day

Our testing centre is based in the sports hall building. Students must not enter any other building before completing their test. They must use the gate immediately in front of the sports hall.

Students must:

  • Wear a face covering, unless exempt, until instructed to remove it by the testing assistant
  • Use the hand-sanitisers when asked to do so

The full schedule of testing and phased return to face-to-face teaching is below.

Tuesday 4 January 2022

Year 11 Time Year 13 Time
11B 8:40am 13B 10:05am
11D 8:55am 13D 10:20am
11H 9:10am 13H 10:35am
11N 9:25am 13N 11:00am
11S 9:40am 13S 11:15am
11T 9:55am 13T 11:30am


Year 12 Time Year 10 Time
12B 11:45am 10B 1:45pm
12D 12:00pm 10D 2:00pm
12H 12:15pm 10H 2:15pm
12N 12:30pm 10N 2:30pm
12S 12:45pm 10S 2:45pm
12T 1:00pm 10T 3:00pm

Year 11 and 13: Students should arrive at school at the time of their COVID-19 test. After their test and 15-minute isolation period students will return to normal lessons in school if the result is negative. Students in year 11 should wear school uniform.

Year 10 and 12: Students should arrive at school at the time of their COVID-19 test and return home as soon as their test is complete. Learning resources will be uploaded to Google Classroom according to timetable. Students return to school on Wednesday 5 January.

Year 7, 8 and 9: Live remote teaching according to timetable.

Wednesday 5 January 2022

Year 10, 11, 12 and 13: Normal lessons in school.

Year 7 and 8: COVID-19 testing followed by return to normal lessons (see timings below)

Year 9: COVID-19 testing only (see timings below).
Learning resources will be uploaded to Google Classroom according to timetable. Students return to school on Thursday 6 January.

Year 7 Time Year 8 Time Year 9 Time
7B 8:40am 8B 10:05am 9B 12:00pm
7D 8:55am 8D 10:20am 9D 12:15pm
7H 9:10am 8H 10:35am 9H 12:30pm
7N 9:25am 8N 11:00am 9N 12:45pm
7S 9:40am 8N2 11:15am 9S 1:15pm
7T 9:55am 8S 11:30am 9T 1:30pm
    8T 11:45am    

Year 7 and 8: Students should arrive at school at the time of their COVID-19 test. After their test and 15-minute isolation period students will return to normal lessons in school if the result is negative.
Students should wear school uniform.

Year 9: Students should arrive at school at the time of their COVID-19 test and return home as soon as their test is complete. Learning resources will be uploaded to Google Classroom according to timetable. Students return to school on Thursday 6 January.

Year 10, 11, 12, 13: In school for normal lessons.

Updated guidance from the Department for Education

The most important and immediate change for students is about the use of face coverings in school.

As before Christmas, face coverings should be worn by students, staff and visitors in communal areas and corridors. In addition, it is now recommended that students wear face coverings in classrooms. Face coverings are not required in PE lessons, or when students are outdoors.

The following detailed information is taken from the DfE’s guidance to schools (full information for parents and carers is here). We would be very grateful if you would discuss these changes with your son/daughter.

Face coverings

Face coverings help protect the wearer and others against the spread of infection because they cover the nose and mouth, which are the main confirmed sources of transmission of COVID-19.

From 4 January 2022, we recommend that in those schools where pupils in year 7 and above are educated, face coverings should be worn in classrooms. This does not apply in situations where wearing a face covering would impact on the ability to take part in exercise or strenuous activity, for example in PE lessons. This is a temporary measure.

Where pupils and students in year 7 and above are educated, we also recommend that face coverings should be worn by pupils, students, staff and adult visitors when moving around the premises, outside of classrooms, such as in corridors and communal areas. This will also be a temporary measure.

These pupils and students must also wear a face covering when travelling on public transport and should wear it on dedicated transport to and from school.

Face coverings do not need to be worn by students when outdoors.

Circumstances where people are not able to wear face coverings

There are some circumstances where people may not be able to wear a face covering. Some people are less able to wear face coverings, and the reasons for this may not be visible to others.

In relation to education settings, this includes (but is not limited to):

  • children under the age of 11 on 31 August 2021
  • people who cannot put on, wear or remove a face covering because of a physical or mental illness or impairment, or disability
  • people for whom putting on, wearing or removing a face covering will cause severe distress
  • people speaking to or providing assistance to someone who relies on lip reading, clear sound or facial expressions to communicate
  • avoiding the risk of harm or injury to yourself or others
  • removing a face covering in order to take medication

Changes to the self-isolation period for individuals who test positive for Covid-19

Since Wednesday 22nd December, the 10 day self-isolation period for people who record a positive PCR test result for COVID-19 has been reduced to 7 days in most circumstances, unless you cannot test for any reason.

Individuals may now take LFD tests on day 6 and day 7 of their self-isolation period. Those who receive two negative test results are no longer required to complete 10 full days of self- isolation. The first test must be taken no earlier than day 6 of the self-isolation period and tests must be taken 24 hours apart. If both these test results are negative, and you do not have a high temperature, you may end your self-isolation after the second negative test result and return to school from day 8

Daily testing for close contacts of Covid-19

People who are fully vaccinated, or children and young people aged between 5 and 18 years and 6 months, identified as a close contact of someone with Covid-19, should take an LFD test every day for seven days and continue to attend school as normal, unless they have a positive test result or develop symptoms at any time.

Many thanks for your continued support with these measures.

We’re looking forward to welcoming the students back to school this week and we hope to see you soon.

Yours faithfully

Mr M Jones

Chatter 20 - Christmas 2021

Chatter8 250pxDane Court's fantastic Chatter team have been working super hard to bring you this special festive edition of Chatter that we hope you will enjoy.

Bursting with many fantastic articles to read from students across the school, such as key points from the COP26 summit & how the year 8’s created fantastic Christmas cakes from the very beginning to the end designs. Our fantastic students have also been reporting on what they have been doing outside of school, reviewing films, books & the Budget.
Also in this edition there are details of what is happening in the library, Armistice Day celebrations and lots of helpful suggestions to survive the festive season. Not forgetting our creative writing students and their fantastic stories & poems, featured in Chatter to enjoy with a warm hot chocolate or festive treat!!

If anyone would like to join the chatter team when we return to school, or just come along and see what we get up to, we meet in the library on a Monday & Friday lunchtime or by emailing Mrs Cronin/ Mrs Finlay or asking your form mentor. Students from across the school community are welcome. It would be especially great to hear from you!

Chatter would like to wish all student's, staff, the PTA and their families a safe & happy Christmas along with a healthy New Year. Look after yourselves & each other but most of all ensure you all have a good well earned rest over the holidays.
We look forward to seeing you in 2022!

  pdf Read Chatter 20 (3.98 MB)

See all Chatter publications

Chatter 19 - Autumn 2021

Chatter8 250pxDCGS Chatter members have worked incredibly hard on creating this edition of the school newspaper for you, bringing you a variety of articles from members of the team across the school community.

We have, as always, so many fangtastic articles within this edition and the team hope you have as much fun reading as we have had putting this edition together for you. We have had reporters focusing on the various clubs that are held across the school, spooky short stories & poems, great book & film reviews, news on the amazing amount raised from the book fair held earlier this month and we have also have lots of Halloween ideas to keep you entertained this half term 

If anyone would like to join the Chatter team we meet in the library twice a week at lunchtime or you can find out more details by emailing Mrs Cronin, Mrs Finlay, Mrs Roger or asking your mentor/ head of year when we return. All students from across the school & staff are very welcome & if you aren't very good at writing, we always need a hand at editing, page design or you could create some art! 

Chatter would like to wish all DCGS student's, staff, the PTA and their families a safe & happy half term. The Chatter team would like you to all have a good well earned rest over the holidays, so grab a warm autumn drink or a bowl of pumpkin soup and enjoy Chatter 19.

pdf Chatter 19 - Autumn 2021 (3.08 MB)

See all Chatter publications

Year 7 Lockdown Gallery
Karl Midlane Kmc Gorge Oct 2019 31
Kent Mountain Centre 2019
Sports day 2019