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GCSE results 2022

CO1A7886 1 420pxYear 11 students at Dane Court Grammar School celebrated some excellent GCSE grades on Thursday morning. There were many superb outcomes and individual successes across the year group, with 55% of grades at 7 or above.

Headteacher, Martin Jones, said, “The students have worked exceptionally hard and we are very proud of their achievements. These excellent grades reward the students’ hard work and commitment to their studies, as well as the expertise and dedication of the whole staff team. The students have approached the unprecedented challenges of the last two years with determination and maturity.”

Ben Forward, Deputy Headteacher, added, “The students are very well prepared for post-16 study and we look forward to further success in the Sixth Form. The vast majority of the year group will start their IB courses with us at the start of September.”

IBCP results a wonderful achievement

boar drop shadow alpha trans 100pxToday our International Baccalaureate Career-related Programme (CP) students received their vocational qualification results which confirms the awarding of their IB qualification. This year 100% of students successfully achieved their vocational qualifications and therefore have been awarded the IBCP qualification. Additionally, 86% of students completing double awards achieved top grades of D*D*-DD, a really outstanding outcome allowing students to secure their apprenticeship and university places.

As well as contributing to the success of the students IBCP, the results of the vocational courses are themselves a wonderful achievement, providing students with a double level 3 qualification (equivalent to 2 A levels) in addition to the excellent IB subject grades they have already obtained.

Achievements of particular note include:
Evie Anderson, Aimee Lewry, Jessie Cherry, Bethany Brenchley and Ellie Lamb who achieved D*D* in Health & Social Care.

Johnny Cole, Stanley Lebon, Ethan Price, Sebastian Szewielewicz, Logan Webb, Daniel Banks, Ethan Latymer and Christopher Nisan who achieved D*D* in Computing.

Mateusz Bloch and Luke Mackenzie who achieved A* grades in their Finance Diploma.

Mateusz Bloch, Malavie Bootes, Ella Greely, Olivia Boswell, George Kazi, Elouise Fisher, Luke Mackenzie, Tilly Knight and Macey Pask who achieved D* grades in Business.

Lucy Hickmott, Matt Weatherley and Olivia Rae who achieved D*D* in Sports & Exercise Science

Chris Pleasant, Head of Sixth form praised “the hard work of all our IBCP students and staff which has produced another year of outstanding results. We are very proud of the IBCP offer here at Dane Court and the apprenticeships our students have now secured in accountancy, engineering, journalism and healthcare to name a few demonstrates why. Others have secured competitive university places at prestigious institutions such as Exeter, Birmingham and Southampton.
More importantly, we are all proud of the students who have achieved the success they deserve and are confident they will go on to have successful careers in their chosen field.”

Melissa Linton, IBCP Coordinator reflected on the last two years; "This cohort of IBCP students have achieved excellent results across the board. During Year 12 the students' learning was very disrupted, but their results are testament to their hard work and resilience. I am very proud of all of them; the results they have achieved at Dane Court, and the exciting destinations and futures they have secured for themselves."

Explore our options for courses starting in September 2022

Chatter 22 - Summer 2022

Chatter21Dane Court's student newspaper Chatter team have been working super hard reporting on events in and out of school over the past couple of terms, to bring you this special bumper summer edition of Chatter.

Bursting with many fantastic articles to read from students across the school, such as how the students at Dane Court were successful in many different aspects of their school life and events outside of school. Our fantastic students have also been reporting on celebrating results for IB subjects and Ofsted. There are book reviews and articles on all of the great events that have happened in school such as sports day, bistro’s and the return of the ever popular mediaeval banquet.

 Also in this edition there are the usual end of year farewell to members of staff and our fantastic Year 11 and 13 students.

If anyone would like to join the chatter team just come along and see what we get up to, details on meetings can be given to you by your form mentors or by emailing Mrs Cronin. We meet in the library every Monday and Friday lunchtime. Students from across the school are very welcome and if you aren't very good at writing we always need a hand at editing!

Chatter would like to wish all student's, staff, the PTA and their families a safe and happy Summer holiday. Look after yourselves and stay safe in the sun, but most of all ensure you all have a good well earned rest over the holidays. See you all in September.

  pdf Chatter 22 - Summer 2022 (5.32 MB)

See all Chatter publications

IB results 2022

CO1A6899_420px.jpgThe International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma, which is a rigorous post-16 academic qualification delivered in some of the most prestigious independent and international schools around the world, requires students to study a balanced range of six subjects, three at higher level. The programme also includes a ‘core’ programme consisting of a 4,000 word research project and 150 hours of creativity, activity and service. The International Baccalaureate Diploma is graded out of 45 points, with a grade 7 being the highest in each of the 6 subjects and a further 3 points on offer for the successful completion of the ‘core’. Dane Court students in 2022 have achieved an highly impressive average points score of 35 which exceeds the global average and is equivalent to A*A*A.

Top performing Diploma students at Dane Court this year include:

  • Sammi (41 points including 7’s in HL Physics, HL Chemistry, SL English and SL Philosophy) who goes on to study Physics at Imperial
  • Elizabeth (41 points including 7’s in HL Psychology, SL English, SL Maths and Spanish ab initio) who goes on to study Nursing at Leeds
  • Anna (41 points including 7’s in HL Anthropology, HL Spanish and SL English) who goes on to study Government and Policy at the University of Edinburgh
  • Erin (40 points including 7’s in HL Chemistry and SL English) who goes on to study Chemistry at St Andrew’s

Headteacher, Martin Jones said, “Congratulations to all of our Year 13 students. These outstanding outcomes are the result of an enormous amount of hard work and determination. All of our IBDP students have achieved the full diploma, with an average points score of 35 points across the year group. This impressive level of achievement will enable the students to progress to some exciting destinations in the new academic year. We are delighted that the vast majority of our students have already secured their first choice university or employment-focused offer and they can look forward to an exciting future.

In addition, 100% of our IBCP students have secured the full award. Although the students must wait until August for their vocational results, success in their IB subjects has given them the very best chance to progress onto their chosen destination.

On behalf of the students, I’d like to thank their brilliant teachers, the Sixth Form Office and the support team here at Dane Court. We’re all very proud of the students’ achievements.”

Chris Pleasant, Head of Sixth Form commented on “The wonderful efforts all students had made in overcoming the significant disruption they faced due to COVID and subsequent lockdowns. For our students to achieve an average of 35 points is an incredible achievement and is testament to the hard work both they and their teachers have put into the courses. It has been a pleasure to guide the students through a turbulent couple of years in the sixth form and I am incredibly proud of the excellent results and wonderful destinations the students have obtained.”

The IB Careers Related Programme (CP) requires students to complete a vocational course as well as a range of complimentary Diploma subjects. In addition students complete a reflective research project, service learning, language development course and professional skills sessions. Vocational results will be released in August to complete the qualification and to confirm the excellent university, apprenticeship and employment offers our students currently hold. IB subject results of particular note amongst our CP students, who will receive their vocational diploma results in August, include:

  • Christopher (HL Maths 7, HL Physics 7, Japanese Ab Initio 6, Reflective Project A)
  • Evie (HL Psychology 6, HL Biology 6, SL Philosophy 7, Reflective Project A)
  • Phoenix (HL Psychology 7, HL Social Cultural Anthropology 6, Reflective Project A)
  • Connor (HL Film 7, HL Biology 5, Japanese Ab Initio 5, Reflective Project A)

Melissa Linton, Deputy Head of Sixth Form notes that “In our 10th year of offering the CP, the programme has, once again, shown the versatility of its offer and the opportunities that it affords students.  In 2020 we introduced more higher level subjects for IBCP students, today students have been rewarded for their hard work with 32% of the cohort achieving 6 or 7s in higher level subjects; Physics, Mathematics, English Literature, Geography, Film and Spanish.  In addition 40% of the cohort achieved an A or B grade in their Reflective Project; a core component that requires the students to study an ethical dilemma in their vocational subject, that concurrently develops their commercial awareness and critical thinking.”

IBCP students have to wait until 18 August 2022 to receive their vocational results and then their university offers, however, students who have achieved places on higher or degree level apprenticeships will be starting over the summer and we wish them well.

Students interested in joining the school’s sixth form in September should contact the school 01843 864941 or email head of sixth form, Chris Pleasant (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

View our 2022 Prospectus here.

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